DAVIS, Robert C. - KIA-1944

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 5 July 1944 p 1
Staff Sgt Robert C. Davis, 24, was Killed In Action in France June 14, according to word received here Tuesday evening. Staff Sgt Davis was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Davis of Argos, former residents of this city. He was the brother of Mrs. Warren W. Shearer. Mrs. Shearer received the message from her parents, who had been informed earlier by the war department. Staff Sgt Davis was born on Sept 10, 1919. He graduated from the local HS with the class of 1938 and was employed by Forest A. Ward before going to South Bend where he was employed by the State Milk Control Board. He was in South Bend at the time of his induction into the Army in September 1942. While in training at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, he was married on November 14, 1943 to Pfc. Wilma Jacobs, of Cleveland, Ohio member of the WAC. Staff St Davis had been overseas since April 1944, serving in the infantry to which he was transferred from the artillery at the time he was sent out of the country. He had been in England since that time.