Davies - Donald

Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 6-30-1966
Donald L. Davies age 19 of Bloomingdale was killed instantly shortly after 5 p.m. Tuesday when his auto went out of control about one mile west of Morton on US 36 and crashed into a tree. Indiana state police said Davies was traveling west on the highway which was wet and lost control of his vehicle as it went into a small curve. The auto left the road and traveled about 70’ before it hit a ditch then spun and traveled approximately 100’ before crashing into the tree. Death was attributed to a broken neck and multiple fractures. About five minutes after the accident with the highway blocked by traffic, a Newport truck driver, Wayne Fortner purposely ditched his semi loaded with acid in order to avoid striking a auto that was stopped on the highway. Donald was born March )) 1947 a son of Delmas A and Nina Baker Davies. He was a 1965 graduate of Turkey Run High School and a sophomore at Indiana University. He was employed at Indianapolis for this summer. At high school he was president of student council, member of NHS, letterman’s club and basketball, football, baseball and cross country teams. He was also a member of the Fairview Baseball Club at Clinton. At Indiana he was a member of Theta Chi social fraternity, varsity bowling squad, freshman football team and Young Republican s Club. He was preceded in death by his father. Survivors include his mother of Bloomingdale; a brother, Harold; a sister, Mrs. Ronald Cook; the grandmothers, Mrs. Bertha Davies and Mrs. Mabel Baker, all of Bloomingdale. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. at the Tudor Funeral Home in Rockville with Rev. James O. Trousdale and Rev. Wendell Adams officiating. Burial in Memory Garden Cemetery..