Crockett - Hobson Paul

Source: Waveland Independent, Feb 21, 1946
Hobson Paul CROCKETT, son of Mrs. Perry Crockett of Indianapolis was killed by a car last week. He had finished serving 8 years in the Navy. Paul's father the late Perry Crockett was principal of the Waveland school some years ago - kbz
Source: Indianapolis News 2-18-1946 p 1
Death of Paul Hobson Crockett, 28, one of seven sons of Mrs. William P. Crockett, 419 West 49th street, raised the traffic accident toll in Indianapolis and Marion County to 21 for the year. The 28-year-old veteran of 9 campaigns in the Pacific died Sunday in Veterans Hospital. Take his dog, Ginger for a walk, he was struck in the 4600 block of Sunset Avenue last Wednesday night by a car drive by Earl J. Breech, Jr, 22, 1050 Church Street. Breech was charged with reckless driving and operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor. He will appear in municipal court, Room 4 March 11. Mr. Crockett had served approximately 8 years in the Navy, receiving a discharge last October. He held the Bronze Star and Good Conduct medals. The family attracted attending during the war because of having six sons in the service. Mrs. Crockett, widow of William P. Crockett, former head of the Physics Department at Shortridge HS was awarded an emblem of honor from former Mayor Reginald H. Sullivan for her contribution. A graduate of Shortridge, Mr. Crockett was born in Crawfordsville but had been a resident here since childhood. He was active in Boy Scout work of Troop 61 at the Fairview Presbyterian Church. He attended Butler University and had planned to enroll in Purdue. Survivors besides the mother are six brothers, Dr. Harold Crockett and Austin, Irving, David, James and George Crockett; a sister, Miss June Crockett; a grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda Fullenwider, 7 nieces and a nephew. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday in the Flanner & Buchanan Mortuary. The Rev. Virgil Ragan, pastor of Fairview Church will have charge. Burial will be in Crown Hill cemetery. – kbz