Crane - Joseph Warren - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Crane - Joseph Warren

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Sat 11 Aug 1923 p 1

Wingate, Ind Aug 11 – Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock for Joseph Warren Crane, prominent Wingate farmer, who died at his home Thursday morning of heart trouble. The services will be held at the home with Rev. Samuels of Wingate officiating.  Mr. Crane had been ill for about six months but was thought to be getting much better and his death came as a surprise to both friends and relatives. He was 62 years old and was born at Stone Bluff, Fountain County Jan 28, 1861.  He lived there until 1891 when he moved to Wingate, where he has made his home ever since. He was married to Bertha Coffing in 1917 and one child was born to this union.  He was married to Mrs. Frank Cottrell in 1922. Surviving are one brother, John Wingate; one stepdaughter, Clara Cottrell, Wingate and two half sisters.

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 11 Aug 1923 Sat p 1

Wingate, Ind Aug 11 – Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock for Joseph Warren Crane, prominent Wingate farmer who died at his home Thursday morning of heart trouble. The services will be held at the home with Rev. Samuels of Wingate officiating.  Mr. Crane had been ill for about six months but was thought to be getting much better and his death came as a surprise to both friends and relatives. He was 62 years old and was born at Stone Bluff, Fountain County Jan 28, 1861.  He lived there until 1891 when he moved to Wingate where he has made his home ever since.  He was married to Bertha Coffing in 1917 and one child was born to this union.

He was married to Mrs. Frank Cottrell in 1922. Surviving are one brother, John, Wingate; one step daughter, Clara Cottrel Wingate and two half sisters.  Director GI Christie of the agricultural experiment station at Purdue and Prof. ML Fisher, assistant dean of the school of agriculture will attend the funeral of Mr. Crane Sunday as representatives of the university.  Mr. Crane was one of the foremost farmer and corn growers of Montgomery County and he had judged corn shows in a wide area which had greatly extended his acquaintance,” said Director Christie. “He had served in various capacities for the Indiana Corn Growers’ association and the association and the agricultural interests of Indiana lose in his death a real forward-looking man!”

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