Cottrell - Frank - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Cottrell - Frank

Source: Champaign Daily News Mon March 18, 1912 p 11

The death from pneumonia at Wingate, Ind March 2 removed a former well-known resident of Champaign County.  Of a quiet unassuming disposition, he was generous and kind, ever ready to identify himself with any movement for the betterment of his town or community. The poor found in him a friend. No one came to him for aid without receiving it, if there was a donation to be made to some worthy cause his name could always be found at the head of the list. At the services for him Tuesday, Rev. Postil said his name was first to go down on the subscription fund for the new Methodist Episcopal Church.  He joined the church under the pastorate of Rev. FK Dougherty. Frank Cottrell was born in Franklin County, Ind, Nov 12, 1858.  He moved with his parents to Philo, Ill in the spring of 1870 and 20 years later went to Wingate, Ind where he resided until his death. Mr. Cottrell twice married. The first time Dec 16, 1891 to Estella Luse who died Jan 24, 1907. To them were born two children, Elton D who died in infancy and Genevieve.  October 7, 1908, he married Mayme Tankesley. To them one child, Clara Evelyn was born. The surviving relatives are the widow and baby, one brother and one sister. At the funeral service the church was filled by friends who came to pay their last respects. The services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. WC Aye, assisted by Rev. WH Martin, Rev CW Postil of Attica, Ind and Rev. FK Dougherty, South Bend. These men spoke feelingly of their church affiliations here and of the quiet strength and friendship of the dead man. The burial rites were in charge of the Masonic order. Among the many beautiful floral offerings was a square and compass from that order and a star from the Eastern Star of which Mr. and Mrs. Cottrell were members. The interment was in the Greenland cemetery by the side of his first wife. – kbz

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