Corns - Eliza Henderson
Source: Crawfordsville Star Feb 23, 1875 p 3
Whereas, it has pleased the All-Wise to remove from among us our esteemed sister, Mrs. Eliza Corns therefore be it
Resolved by Sugar Grove Grant No 635, that in the death of Eliza, this Grange has lost a faithful and beloved sister, and the family a patient, devoted wife and mother; and the community a quiet, peaceful neighbor.
Resolved, that we extend to the friends of the deceased, our earnest sympathy for the irrepairable loss sustained.
Resolved, That we will honor and cherish the name of our departed SIster and in token thereof, the members of this Grange are requested to wear the appropriate badge of mourning.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of the deceased; and that a copy be also sent to the "Crawfordsville Star" for publication.
Rebecca Gibson
Carrie Saidla
Kate Saidla
Note: Eliza is Eliza Henderson wife of Franklin Corns - she was born August 30, ,1846 and died Feb 18, 1875. She is buried in Clouser Cemetery in Bowers Montgomery County, Indiana