Cord - Ed - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Cord - Ed

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 25 November 1898
Sunday morning about four o’clock Ed Cord died very suddenly at his home on West Market Street, having been ill only a few hours. He worked all day Saturday and came home in the evening feeling as well as usual and so retired. About 11 o’clock he was taken very ill and Dr. Utter was called in. At four o’clock the young man died. He was threatened with pneumonia and this brought on congestion of the lungs, which caused his death.

The funeral occurred Tuesday morning at ten o’clock from the residence. Interment was at Wingate. The deceased leaves a wife and one child.

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 25 Nov 1898 p 4

Ed Cord who died very suddenly at Crawfordsville on Sunday was buried here on Tuesday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. JF McDaniel of Crawfordsville.

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