Cook - Asa 1919

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Sept 15, 1919 (Monday)
Asa Melvin COOK, 23, the son of Abraham and Alice Cook died at 1005 Tuttle Avenue yesterday morning at 11:39 o'clock as the result of tuberculosis contracted while in the service overseas. He was a member of Company C of this city. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Merle Blanton who resides near Darlington. The funeral will be held at the home Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock with Rev. Goerge Hill officiating. Burial will be made at Rice Cemetery, located near Darlington. Mr. Cook had a brother, Wallace G in the service in Europe during the late war. He was present at the front in several engagements. He was wounded by shrapnel in one of the engagements and after treatment at a base hospital in France was invalided back to this country where he was a patient at t hospital at Newport News for some time. On his recovery he was again ordered to the front but died on his way over on September 28th death resulting from pneumonia. He was buried at sea.
- thanks to Lena for this one