Coleman - Dale
This is not a picture of him in 1965 but about 10 years earlier, plus it is not a good snag from the old newspaper - it's wrinkled as you can see, but it makes him seem more real and the tragedy more tragic. I hope this had a happy ending but doubt so :(
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review (story by Grady Franklin) ___ August 1965
Authorities and volunteers searched the rugged mountains of southeast Kentucky and southwest Virginia in vain Sunday for a small plane which has been missing since last Wednesday with three persons aboard, including a 34-year-old Covington man. Missing are Dale Coleman who lives near Perrysville and has a Covington mailing address; Rev. Paul Bennett, pastor of the Southside Christian Church at Danville, Ill and the pilot, Jack Stockdale, also of Danville. Coleman is the father of three children and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Coleman of Crawfordsville. His father is principal of John Beard and Wilson Schools. Stockdale is the uncle of Ralph Stockdale of Perrysville Road near Crawfordsville.
Rev. Bennett, while living in Illinois, has worked on many churches of Indiana, according to Rev. Don Marshall, pastor of the Ladoga Christian Church. Rev. Marshall said the Danville minister spoke recently at the Hanging Rock Christian Assembly and that he also spoke recently at the Ladoga and Jamestown Christian Churches, giving suggestion on how to organize a school for laymen of those areas. The Civil Air Patrol’s search Sunday centered in a 15-mile area around Hazard, Ky. The hunt moved from the Corbin KY area after it was learned that the pilot radioed the London airport that he planned to land at Hazard if he could not make it to his destination, Grundy, Va. CAP units from Lexington, London and Pikeville participated in the aerial search while 20 members of the Perry County rescue squad and other persons roamed the rugged country. Coleman said a minister at Grundy whom Rev. Bennett knows and was going to see, “is making a tremendous effort” in the search. He said the man, a Rev. Greenleaf, is trying to get the squirrel season opened early so that thousands of hunters will take to the woods and perhaps find the plane while looking for squirrels. He said Rev. Bennett and his son, who is an elder in the Danville Church were going to Grundy to talk to Rev. Greenleaf about a building program.
They wanted to see how the minister financed his vast expansion program and perhaps duplicate it for their church. They were men on a very important mission, said Coleman, “and they got caught in an impossible situation.” They were on the ill-fated plane when it left Danville last Wednesday morning. When it stopped at Lexington, Ky, two got off. They were identified in an Associated Press tory as a Robert Hall and Harry Roderick. Their addresses were not given. The weather got worse as the plan flew east from Lexington and the pilot changed his flight plan, according to Coleman. If the pilot could not land at Grundy, he radioed, he would try to land at Hazard. When the plane failed to pick up the two passengers at Lexington Thursday on the return flight to Indiana, the men telephoned home to find out if the others had returned. That, apparently, was the first word anyone had that the plane was missing. Search crews were slow to organize, Coleman said, because it took the store sometime to blow over. Since then search operations have picked up and it is hoped by Coleman that others will volunteer. Mrs. Coleman said Sunday after her husband left that Stockdale’s brother, an Army officer in Alaska is on his way to the search area to offer help. She said he has had special training for such operations. Anyone else who wants to join the search should contact the Civil Air Patrol at Lexington, Ky or Hazard, Ky. No findings were reported Monday from a search of mountain areas in Kentucky and Virginia for a private plane missing since last Wednesday with three men aboard.
The missing are Dale Coleman of near Perrysville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman of this city; Rev. Paul Bennett of Danville, Ill and the pilot, Jack Stockdale also of Danville. The plane was lost during a storm on a flight from Danville to Grundy, Va. Two passengers had alighted at Lexington, Ky – Robert Hall and harry Roderick of Bismark, Il. Laural Kentner living east of Crawfordsville is a distant relative and former school mate of Roderick. Hall is a nephew of Roderick. Robert Coleman is principal of Beard and Willson Schools.
Source: This shorter one is from findagrave but they did not give credit to what newspaper
"Dale Alvin Coleman was born Nov. 13, 1932, in Wabash Township, Fountain County, the son of Robert Alvin and Ruth M. Carter Coleman. He was married on May 19, 1955 to Shirley Beckelhymer. Mr. Coleman was a life resident of Wabash Township and was graduated from Perrysville High School in 1950. He attended Indiana State University for one year and later attended an industrial trade school in Chicago. He had been employed at Olin Mathieson plant near Covington for 10 years. He was an elder of the South Side Church of Christ, in Danville. He served in they Army from 1953-55. Surviving are his widow; his parents of Crawfordsville Route 1; three children, Stephen Dale, 9, Kim Dee, 6, and Pony Lee, 13 months; a brother, Clyde of Indianapolis; four sisters, Mrs. Roberta Gibson of Albuquerque, N.M., Mrs. Sandra Green of Elmhurst, Ill., Mrs. Myrna Harden of Veedersburg Route 4; and Miss Myra Jane Coleman, of Crawfordsville Route 1. Funeral will be at 2 p.m Monday at the South Side Church of Christ. The Rev. Dennis Fulton and the Rev. Edwin Zimmerman will officiate, with burial in Mt. Hope Cemetery. Body is at Boding & Shelby Funeral Home in Covington where friends may call after 3:30 p.m. Sunday."
Parents Photo Robert Alvin Coleman 1913–1992
Ruth Miranda Carter Coleman 1912–1995
Siblings Roberta Marie Coleman Gibson* 1934–2010
Clyde Franklin Coleman* 1940–2014
Children Stephen Dale Coleman* 1956–1976