Clapp - Lyman

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, August 29, 1949
Lyman Capp, 61, a veteran of World War I, died Monday morning at his home, 709 Mill street. He had been ill several months. Born July 1, 1888, at Hindsboro, Ill., Mr. Clapp was the son of Thomas J. and Rebecca Childress Clapp. He married Dorothy Baxter May 5, 1927. Surviving are the widow; two brothers, James Clapp, of French Lick, and Charles Clapp, of Crawfordsville; three sisters, Mrs. Ruth Tolan and Mrs. Helen Porter, both of Hindsboro, Ill., and Mrs. Elsie Donaldson of North Las Vegas, Nev., and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Pearl Clapp, of Crawfordsville. Friends may pay their respects at the Proffitt and Sons Funeral home where services will be held at 2:30 o'clock (CDT) Wednesday afternoon. Rev H.W. Steen will be the officiating minister. Burial will be at Masonic cemetery, with Bryan Cox post of the American Legion to conduct military rites at the grave site.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal review, September 1, 1949
Military Funeral Held at Masonic for Lyman Clapp Funeral rites for Lyman Clapp, a veteran of World War I were held at the Profit and sons funeral home, Wednesday afternoon, with Byron Cox post of the American Legion conducting military rites at the grave site in Masonic cemetery. Members of the Legion also served as pall bearers, Those who served in this capacity were Jesse D. Fine, H.T. McCullough, Julian Carter, Clarence Joel, Robert Payne, Lt. Col. James C. Gabriel, William C. Moore and Kenneth Cave. Lloyd B. McVey commanded the post's military escort. Other members of the escort were Charles Nelson, Beecher Young, Basil L. Duke, Sr., Fay Williams, Robert Gabriel, James Gabriel, Don Elkins, Cecil Wilson and Robert Claypool. Members of the Legion also served as flower bearers. Mrs. James Proffitt sane "Abide With Me," Beyond the Sunset" and Beautiful Isle." Mary Jane Cunningham accompanied at the chapel organ. Rev. H.W. Steen was the officiating minister. - thanks to Kim H