Chapell - Josephine Shuey - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Chapell - Josephine Shuey

Source: New Richmond Record 12 June 1913

Mrs. Josephine Chapell died at the home of her son, Dave Chapell in Veedersburg at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon after only a week’s illness. Diabetes, followed by gangrene, was the cause of her death, though she had been sorely afflicted for years; almost blind and very deaf and a sufferer form an abdominal tumor for many years. She was a patient sufferer. She was only 64 years old. Mrs. Chapell’s maiden name was Shuey and she was born at the old Shuey home near Sugar Grove where she continued to make her home until about 15 years ago when she sold her farm and came to New Richmond to live. Later she moved to Crawfordsville then to Veedersburg and for the past 8 or 10 yeaers had made her home with her son.  She leaves two sons and two daughters, Dave Chapell of Veedersburg.  Will Chapell of Seeleyville, Mrs. Matie Ross of Osceola, iowa and Mrs. Bertha ___ of Lakeside, Nebraska. Mrs. Chapell was the last of her father’s family to pass away. The funeral occurred Sunday afternoon at 2:30 conducted from the home, burial being made in the Veedersburg cemetery. It had been hope to bring the remains for burial in the Sugar Grove cemetery but the condition of the body would not permit and it was necessary to hasten the burial. Those of the relatives and friends form this community who attended the funeral were Irvin Miller and wife, James H. Stewart and wife, Wm. Vess and wife, Thomas Davis and wife, Misses Edith Dettbenner and Nelle Hiett of Sugar Grove; Charles Kirkpatrick and wife, Will Kirkpatrick and wife, Boyd McMillin and wife, WC Davisson and wife, Edwin Kirkpatrick, James Boyer, Misses Laura Kirkpatrick and Sue Davisson of New Richmond; Will Hiett and wife of Wingate and Mrs. Dr. Barcus of Crawfordsville.
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