Caven - (Capt) John F. - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Review 17 Feb 1866 p 2
C'ville Feb 10, 1866 - Upon the receipt of the sad intelligence of the death of Capt. John F. Caven, formerly of the 11th Indiana Infantry a meeting of former officers and soldiers from Montgomery County of the volunteer army of the US was held at C'ville in order to give expression to their sense of the hero of an old comrade in arms and to provide for his burial with all the honors his old companions could give him. Brig. Gen MD Manson having been unanimously elected Pres, called the meeting to order. Capt TW Fry, Jr. was then elected sec. Capt. RE Bryant in a few well timed remarks called attention to the sorrowful occasion of our assembling and paid a well merited and just tribute to "the sterling qualities of our deceased brother, as an officer and a gentleman; and which we, who had known him from his boyhood up felt and appreciated. He concluded by moving that six of the former officers of the 11th be appointed pall bearers and that six of the former soldiers of 11th should be appointed, who, in connection with the pall bearers should act as a committee to receive the body on its arrival from Louisville, and should provide suitable arrangements for the proper observance of the funeral services which motion was seconded by Capt TC Pursel and carried unanimously. Capts. JOHN W. ROSS, Joseph Simpson; Charles Kellogg; Thos. Pursel, TW Fry, Jr. and LOt. Samuel Ensminger were appointed pall bearers and Messrs. Newton Ramsay; Geo Robinson; Henry Boyland; C. Young; Wm. Webster and Fran k Hills were appointed as the committee of six. Capt. JW Ramsay then offered the following: Resolved, "That all the soldiers and officers of the county be invited to take part in the funeral services of our deceased comrade," carried unanimously. On motion of Capt. Bryant, "The soldiers were requested to attend the funeral in a separate body. On motion of Capt Kellogg, "All soldiers were requested to wear capes on the left arm at the funeral." On motion of Capt. Ramsay, a committee of three was appointed to draft a series of resolutions expressive of the sympathy of the meeting with the family of the deceased. Committee: Capts. Ramsay, Bryant & Fry. On motion, the Pres, Gen. Manson was added to this committee. The committee on resolutions then reported the following which was adopted:
Whereas, it having pleased the Divine Ruler of the Universe to remove from our midst, our comrade and friend Capt. John F. Caven we humbly bow to the will of our Heavnly Father, knowing that He doeth all things well, that we are admonished that having passed from a state of war to that of peace, yet are we still in the midst of death therefore
Resolved that by the death of Capt. John F. Caven the state has lost a loyal citizen, who illustrated his patriotism on the bloody fields of Wester Virginia, Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, and Vickburg and by his calm courage, cheered his men on to victory. Resolved - that we shall ever entertain a warm recollection of him as a genial companion, an affectionate son and grave soldier and we tender to the bereaved family of our deceased friend, our unfeighed condolence and invoke from Heaven blessings to recompense their loss -- MD Manson; RE Bryant; JW Ramsay; TW Fry, Jr - committee.