Carter - Robert Nelson
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier, Thu, Dec 04, 1924 ·Page 1
Both Men Killed at Monon Crossing Near Elston Survived by Families; One Had Son at Purdue.
The bodies of Alva M. Parrish and Robert Nelson Carter, who were killed Wednesday afternoon when a motor truck on which they were riding was struck by northbound Monon passenger train No. 6, at the Elston road crossing, were taken from the Rogers and Smith undertaking parlors to their respective home Thursday morning. Funeral arrangements had not been completed Thursday afternoon.
Alva M. Parrish, who was killed outright, had been a tenant on the F. M. McClure farm at Hillsboro for about a year. He formerly resided at Grange Corner, near Turkey Run. Mr. McClure had known him for many years and stated after the accident there was not a more substantial citizen anywhere. He was twice married, his first wife being a Miss Gooding, who died several years ago. Surviving are his widow, formerly Miss Fanny Huckery, and eight children: Terrance Parrish, residing in the Wesley neighborhood in Fountain count; a daughter, living in Terre Haute, and a son, in Colorado, by the first marriage; Robert, Morris, Fred, Carlton and Louise Parrish reside at home.
Robert Nelson Carter resided on a farm at Shawnee Mound, no the county line between Fountain and Montgomery counties. He was 45 years of age and was a highly esteemed citizen. When not busy on the farm he did trucking for his neighbors and was engaged in that work when the tragic accident occurred.
Surviving Mr. Carter are his widow, formerly Miss Emma Pittle, and two children, Cedric Carter, a student at Purdue university, and Miss Esther Carter, at home [Esther died in 1923]. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Louise Nuss, of Terre Haute. His body was taken from St. Elizabeth hospital to the Rogers and Smith funeral home. – thanks to Lena
R. Nelson Carter
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Wed, Dec 03, 1924 ·Page 1
A. M. Parrish and R. N. Carter Victims of Frightful Accident at Monon Crossing at Man-Trap- Five Head of Steers Slaughtered in Same Collision.
A. M. Parrish, 60 years old, was instantly killed, and R. Nelson Carter, 45, was fatally injured Weds. afternoon shortly after 2 o’clock, when a cattle truck in which they were riding was struck by Monon northbound passenger train No. 6 at the “man trap” crossing south of the city on the Elston road.
Parrish, who was a tenant on F. M. McClure’s farm near Waynetown, and R. Nelson Carter, McClure’s brother-in-law, a resident of Wingate, were on their way to the farm with a load of feeding steers which they had just purchased at the Lafayette stockyards. They were riding in the closed cab of the motor truck and evidently were paying no attention to the Monon railroad crossing, for, according to the engineer, he sounded the whistle for the crossing while the train was still 100 yards from the road.
The train, running at high speed, struck the truck broadside. Parrish probably never knew what struck him. His skull was crushed to fragments. Carter was thrown clear of the wreck, but was terribly injured. It was evident that he was crushed and that many bones were broken. The city ambulance sped with the injured man to St. Elizabeth hospital, Dr. G. A. Thomas having been called to attend him, but he was dead when the ambulance arrived at the hospital.
When the train hit the cattle truck all five head of steers in the vehicle were killed outright and four of the carcasses were found on the pilot of the locomotive when the train was finally brought to a stop nearly an eighth of a mile from the collision point. Nothing was left of the truck but two wheels and a pile of wreckage.
L. D. Strain was the conductor of the train, Martin Ball, engineer; George Payton, fireman, and L. A. Campbell, brakeman.
The crossing, while it still bears the nickname “man trap” from the former designation of the Big Four and Wabash tracks nearby, now on an overhead structure, is not a dangerous one, for the view is open both north and south.
Parrish’s body was taken from the scene of the wreck to the Templeton funeral home. Carter’s body was taken from the hospital to the Vianco undertaking establishment. – thanks to Lena