Carr - Mattie - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Carr - Mattie

Source: Thanks to the Covington Public Library for sending their wonderful collection of obituaries to share with you here (especially Brenda) – hand dated 1951

Mrs. Mattie Carr, 50 years old died on Wednesday morning at Culver Hospital, Crawfordsville the result of burns suffered at her home on Saturday, Dec 15.  She was burned while warming herself at an oil stove in the kitchen her clothing igniting and wrapping her in flames. Her husband, Troy was slightly burned when he thre bedclothing around her.  She was born Feb 25, 1901 and is survived by the husband and 12 children. The latter are Marx, Eugene, Donald, Judy, Mrs. Dorothy Calvert and Mrs. Patricia Turpin all of Crawfordsville and Ernest, David, Lucy, Alice, Hazel and Helen, all at home.  A sister, Mrs. Nerta Hoffman of Danville, Ill also survives.  Funeral services were to be held at 1:30 p.m. today, Friday at the Fishero Funeral Home with burial in Rockfield Cemetery. – kbz

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