Campbell - Thomas N.
Source:Saturday Evening Journal 27 Oct 1883 p 3
Thomas N. Campbell died at his home in Alamo last Saturday, aged 63 years. Mr. Campbell had been in declining health for the last two years and was aware for sevearl months that the hour for his dissolution might be expected at any time. He made all the necessary preparation, carefully arranging all his temporal affairs even to the extent of selecting his monument. He had been a resident of this county for over 40 years and was highly esteed as a citizen, friend and neighbor. For four years he faithfully served as a soldier in the 20th Indiana Regiment and ever regarded the years he spent in the service of his country as the proudest years of his life. His only connection with any organization was that of the Grand Army of the Republic and his request was that his comrades in McPherson Post should lay him away in his final resting place. His wish was compiled with and on Sunday afternoon he was buried according to the ritual of the Order at Oak Hill Cemetery - transcribed by kbz -
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 13 Feb. 1891
The following is a list of the tombstones which have been procured from the Government by McPherson Post, No. 7, G. A. R. and which remains at the marble works of Sidney Speed, corner of Green and Market Streets. The relatives and friends of the deceased soldiers are earnestly requested to call and get these stones and set them up at the graves. If they are not taken in a reasonable time they will have to be returned or disposed of as the Government may direct.
James H. Vanarsdall, Co. G, 10 Reg. Ind. Vol. Inf.
William Wolverton, 9th Battery, Ind., Vol., Lt. Arty.
David O. Bible, Co. D, 116 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
Allen T. Blaine, Co. K, 22 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
James Shevelin, Co. B, 120 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
Francis M. Blue, 16 Battery Ind., Vol. Lt. Arty.
H. H. Murray, Co. K, 86 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
Calloway Nosler, Co. D, 135 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
Thomas N. Campbell, Co. G, 20 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
J. C. Monfort, Co. G, 40 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
J. M. Barcus, Co. C, 120 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
George Galloway, Co. K, 86 Reg., Ind. Vol. Inf.
Augustus E. Newell, 18 Battery Ind., Vol. Lt. Arty.
William McElliott, Co. L, 5 Reg., Ind. Vol. Calvary
Josiah Chambers, Co. C. 27 Ind. Vol. Inf.
William C. Endicott, Co. F, 86, Ind. Vol. Inf.
Of the above, Josiah Chambers is buried at Ladoga and Francis M. Blue at Linden. The committee has been to considerable trouble, and the Post has expended considerable money in securing and storing the headstones, and it is the least that the relatives can do, to take interest enough in the matter to see that the stones are properly set at the graves. If any grave has been supplied and the government stone is not wanted, will someone who knows that fact inform either member of the committee as soon as practicable? Should anyone know of the grave of a deceased soldier in the county that is not furnished with a suitable headstone, and will notify either member of the committee at once, a requisition will be made for a stone. Mr. Travis, chairman of the committee, is now preparing a list to be sent for March 1, 1891, and it is important that all unmarked graves should be reported at once. The information needed is as follows: The full name of soldier; his company and regiment; where buried; the name of someone who will receive and set up the stone. Samuel L. Ensminger, Joseph McDaniel, Chas. M. Travis, (Committee)