Campbell - Lyle V.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 29-May-1975 page 2
Services for Lyle V. Campbell, 59, of 204 Gronert Drive, Apt. 1, will be at 2 p.m. Friday in Hunt & Son Funeral Home with the Rev. Larimore K. Wickett officiating. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home. Mr. Campbell was found dead in his home late Tuesday night. The time of death has not been determined. A protection services technician, he was employed at R.R. Donnelley & Son. He was an Army veteran of World War II, a member of the Donnelley Club, American Legion and Christ United Methodist Church. He was a 1932 graduate of Crawfordsville High School. Born Dec. 15, 1915, in Montgomery County, he was a son of Marion Vern and Edna Davis Campbell. After the death of his father he was reared by Oscar and Edna Campbell McMurry. He was formerly married to Grace Campbell Fisher. Surviving are a son, Jeffery J. of Crawfordsville; a half-brother, Don McMurray of Crawfordsville; six half-sisters, Wanda King of Linden, Wilma Sosbe of Linnsburg, Madge Steurward of Rockville, Jean Jones of Lawrence, Ky., Mary Lou Baldwin of Crawfordsville and Evelyn Schrenman of Bainbridge; and a stepsister, Nora Meagher of Crawfordsville.--waw