Calhan - John Hayes
John Hayes CALHAN

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 9 April 1960
New Ross -- John Hayes Calhan, 64, WWI Navy veteran and farmer of this community died Friday afternoon at his home near here after an illness of four years. He was a son of Patrick and Sarah Hayes Calhan and was born near New Ross November 24, 1895. He attended high school at Mace and was wed in St. Bernard's Catholic Church in Crawfordsville to Lula Armstrong November 24, 1927. Mr. Calhan was a member of St. Bernard's Church and of Crawfordsville Eagles Lodge. Surviving are the widow; two sons, Thomas at home, and Robert of Jamestown; a brother, William of New Ross; two granddaughters and a niece. The funeral mass is set for 10:30 a.m. Monday at St. Bernard's with Rev. Henry F. Ward, the pastor, officiating and burial in Calvary Cemetery. A rosary will be prayed at 8 p.m. Sunday at Hunt & Son Funeral Home in Crawfordsville where friends may call after 7 o'clock tonight. - kbz