Cable - William Logan

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review April 1, 1959 p 4
Wm. Logan Cable, 69 WWI veteran and former auto mechanic died Wed morning in his home, 506 Kentucky Street. He had been in failing health 3 1/2 years. Born Feb 7, 1890 in Mt. Vernon KY he was the son of William & Rena Cable. He married Dora L. Peacock in 1916 at Crawfordsville. Mr. and Mrs. Cable moved to C'ville from Yountsville where they started housekeeping. In addition to being an auto mechanic employee of the highway dept a number of years, he also worked at Fred Jones, service station 15 years. Survivors include the widow, a stepson, Fred Jones, brother Manley Cable of C'ville and two half-sisters Mrs. Jaley Weaver & Miss Betty Cable of Cincinnati, OH. Funeral services held 2 p.m. Friday at Bright Funeral Home with Rev Paul Million officiating. Burial in Wayentown Masonic military rites by the Byron Cox Legion post - kbz