Bushong - Milo W.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 5 July 1941
Dr. Milo W. Bushong, 52 years old, popular Crawfordsville dentist and former commander of the American Legion died unexpectedly Friday night about 11 o'clock of a heart attack at his home, 609 W. Pike Street. He had been in failing health several months and during March and April was a patient at the US Veterans Hospital in Indianapolis. Born in Parke County near Rockville, Oct 13, 1888, the son of George and Louisa Hopkins Bushong, pioneer Indiana residents, he was united in marriage with Rose Meyer at Louisville, Ky July 26, 1915. Following his marriage residence was established at Wallace where Dr. Bushong practiced dentisty until the outbreak of the first WW when he enlisted in the medical corps and served overseas as a captain. During his overseas service, which was of 18 months duration he was associated with Mayor A.R. Killian of Lafayette, former Indiana Dept. commander of the American Legion who also was a captain in the medical corps. At the conclusion of the war, Dr. Bushong returned to Wallace where he remained for a few months. He opened an office in Crawfordsville in August of 1920, and established his residence here in January 1921, continuing the practice of dentistry in this city until march 14 when he was forced to retire because of the condition of his health. Educated in the public school of Parke County, Dr. Bushong was graduated from the Indiana University School of Dentistry in 1915 after attending Wabash College. Besides having been a commander of the local post of the American Legion he also was the posts service officer for 12 years, a position he held until his health forced him to relinquish his duties. In this capacity he served in all sections of Montgomery County and was generally recognized as one of the most efficient service officers in the Indiana department of the Legion. In addition to his acitvity in the veterans organizations, Dr. Bushong also had been identified prominently with the Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star and Elks. Surviving are the widow, one son, Lt. John H. Bushong of the US Naval Air Corps, Corpus Christi, Tx; a sister, Mrs. Omer Glover of this city and a niece, Maria Frances Glover also of Crawfordsville. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock daylight saving time at the First Christian Church of which the deaceased was a member, the Rev. Paul Million, pastor of the church and Rev. E.A. Arthur, Legion Chaplain will officiate with burial at Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. The body was taken to the Utterback & Muraphy Funeral Home where friends may pay their respects until 1:45 o'clock Monday afternoon when the body will be removed to the church to lie in state one hour preceding the rites. Legion officials have announced that a guard of honor will be maintained at the funeral home while the body is kept there and that a military tribute will be accorded the deceased at the grave. The local unit of the Legion Auxiliary of which Mrs. Bushong is a past president also will honor the former commander at the funeral home. -- kbz