Burkart - Perry

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County Indiana. 10-Mar-1966 p 1
Perry A. Burkart, 68, Union Twp assessor since 1953, died suddenly at his home 3 miles northeast of the city about 12:30 a.m. Thursday. Mr. Burkart had been indisposed for several days, but wa sin his office at the courthouse as late as Tuesday afternoon. He first took office by appointment to fill a vacancy, but was elected for four-year terms in 1954, 1958 and 1962. Only recently he had declared his intentions of seeking re-election. Prior to assuming the duties of assessor, Mr. Burkart was a farmer and electrician. He was a veteran of WWI and member of Crawfordsville Barracks, 1567, Veterans of WWI. He also was a member of St. James Lutheran Church at Darlington. He was born Jan 7 1898 near Bowers, son of William and Hulda Hubert Burkart. He was married Sept 8, 1920 to Mabel Rogers. The survivors include the widow; a daughter, Mrs. margaret Webster of St. Lambert, Que; 9 grandchildren and 4 sisters, Mrs. Ruth Long, Mrs. Flora Hole and Miss Leota Burkart (sick), all of Crawfordsville and Miss Ruby Burkart of Stockton, Calif; a brother Lloyd preeded him in death. Funeral services will be held 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Hunt & Son Funeral Home. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Friday. - kbz