Branstetter - Samuel H.

Source: Waveland Independent, Oct 16, 1952
S H BRANSTETTER of Judson was found dead in the garden of his home here Tuesday morning at a few minutes to 8 o'clock. The body was found by William Hall, son-in-law of the deceased. Mr. Branstetter had been ill for some time and had but recently returned from the Veterans General Hospital where he was a patient for several weeks. He was born Oct 28, 1890, in Summer Shade, KY the son of Matthew P. and Mary Jane Hopkins Branstetter. Mr. Branstetter was a member of the Judson Baptist Church and salesman for EM Peet Co., a member of the American Legion & VFW. Surviving are the widow, Lela Branstetter, a daughter, Mrs. William Hall, of Judson; 5 brother; George of Jamestown; Zoy and Webb of Darlington; Ike of Crawfordsville and Hobert of Summershade, Ky and a grandchild. Funeral service were held on Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Judson Baptist church in charge of the Rev. Wayne Scott. Burial in Memory Garden Cemetery, Rockville. VFW will conduct gravesite rites. - kbz