Cpl Allen Bowman
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 21-Dec-1950 p 1, typed by: JR
Veedersburg - Cpl. Allen Bowman was killed in action in the Korean war zone Nov. 28, according to a War department telegram received Wednesday by the boy's father, Bruce Bowman, of Veedersburg. Cpl Bowman, a member of the Seventh Marine division, was wounded last August, and was in a hospital in Japan for several weeks recovering from shrapnel wounds in his foot. He had since returned to action. Cpl. Bowman was born in Covington, the son of Bruce and Jessie Smith Bowman. He enlisted in the Marines in August, 1948, and was sent overseas in July, 1950. He would have been 21 years old next Jan. 20. His grandfather, Elliot Bowman, of Veedersburg, received Wednesday one of the last letters written by the youthful Marine. It was written Nov. 23. Surviving are the mother and father, and a brother, Jack, of Covington.