Boots - James F. - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, December 1, 1913
James F. Boots, seventy-seven years old, died at his home on south Grant avenue, at eight Sunday evening after a suffering of many months with heart trouble. He had been seriously ill for five weeks past and during that time had been confined to his bed. Surviving the well known man are his widow, Mrs. Athelinda Tapp Boots, two brothers, Samuel, of near Clark's Hill, William of Darlington, a sister, Mrs. Isabelle Raber, of Topeka, Kas., Mrs. Jere West of this city, a half sister, and Robert Boots of Clark's Hill, a half brother. Mr. Boots was a veteran of the Civil war, having seen three years active service as a member of the 20th Indiana battery. On his return from the war, he was made county surveyor and served one term in that position. Years ago Mr. Boots was one of the managers of the Boots & Canine mill in the south part of the city, and later his business activities consisted of an interest in Colorado land. For several years past he has been retired. He was a prominent and active member of the McPherson Post, G.A.R. and was at all times interested in the work of that organization. He had resided in this city for forty-six years. Funeral services will be held from the late home at ten Tuesday morning with burial at Masonic cemetery nearby. Rev. W.H. Fetich will have charge of the services and the members of McPherson Post G.A.R. will attend in body.- Kim H