Booher - Lora Newton

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 9-May-1960 p. 8
Darlington - Lora Newton Booher, 66 died at 3:20 a.m. Sunday in Culver Hospital at Crawfordsville after a short illness. He had been hospitalized six days. Born November 1, 1893, in Darlington he was a son of Daniel V. and Ida A. Booher Booher. Mr. Booher was grad from Darling HS 1911 worked inChicago 8 years as draftsman. Served 17 years as asst postmaster here and was a veteran of WWI. He was a member of St. James Lutheran Church and was secretary in the church, member of the Darlington American Legion, OES and Masonic Lodge. He was secretary in the Masonic Lodge and member of the Crawfordsville Masonic bodies. Survivors include his mother of Darlington with whom he made his home; a brother, Dwight L of Monterey Park, Calif; a nephew, A. Leon Booher of South Bend and a niece, Mrs. Robert W. Smith of Morris Plains, NJ. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Brights Funeral Home here with Rev. Allen J. Kieffer pastor of Pleasantview Evangelical Lutheran Church of Indianapolis in charge. Burial in St. James Lutheran Church here. Friends may call at the funeral home here after 10 a.m. Tuesday. - kbz