Bonebrake - Frank

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review
Frank N. Bonebrake, 23, was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident about 1:30 p.m. Saturday a half mile north of New Richmond where he lived. Only the one vehicle was involved.
His death was the sixth in traffic accidents in the county this year.
The county's fourth and final highway fatalities occurred only last Tuesday when Victor Ingalsbe and Robert Buckles, both of Rt 1, Wingate, died in a headon auto collision on Ind 55 northwest of Crawfordsville.
Bonebrake former CC Central HS and Indiana State University track star, went off the right side of the road and was thrown to the ground. Death was due to a broken neck and a skull fracture. He also had a crushed chest.
Officers who investigated had difficulty reconstruction the accident. Tracks showed the motorcycle traveled about 40' down the edge of the road to the point where his body was found in a shallow side ditch. The motorcycle then slid only another 35' before it stopped in the ditch.
There were no marks on the body and it was not believed that he hit the end post of a fence near which he was lying.
Thomas Good, a farmer working in an adjacent field heard the sound of a crash and went to the scene. When he saw Bonebrake in the ditch, he went to his home nearby and called his son-in-law, Robert Mason who in turn called officers.
The accident was investigated by Deputies Richard Shull and Billy Groves, State Trooper RL Shireman and the county coroner, Dr. Samuel C. Millis.
The motorcycle, a 1966 Yamah had damages of $300.
While a student at Coal Creek, Bonebrake was an outstanding runner on the track team. He also participated in basketball and baseball.
He was graduated only this month from Indiana State. There he was outstanding as a cross country runner and distance man in track. He had told friends he intended to teach in Florida during the next school year.
Frank had gone to ISU on an athletic scholarship. He set a Montgomery County record for the mile run in 1962 which held up until this year. His freshman record in the two-mile runs at ISU still stand. For two yeares he held the Indiana Collegiate Conference record for the mile.
At ISU he was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and the I-Men's Club. He was a member of the Hopewell Methodist Church. This summer he had been employed by the Tri-County Tleephone Co.
A native of Kokomo, he was born March 11, 1944.
Surviving are the father, Arthur of Waveland, the mother, Mrs. Carol Davis Bonebrake of New Richmond with whom Frank lived; a brother, F. Arthur of Wingate, the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Sophia Glascock of Rt 4, Crawfordsville, a half-sister Sheila Bonebrake of Waveland a half-brother, Michael Bonebreak (sic) of Waveland and two nephews, Kevin and Dennis Bonebreak of Wingate.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Servies-Funeral Home in Waynetown with Rev. Frank Williams of Frankfort officiating and Rev. John Servies assisting. Interment will be in Greenlawn Cemetery in Wingate. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. today. - kbz