Black - Edward A - KIA - CW
OTD, June 11, 1863, published in the Crawfordsville Weekly Journal is an obituary of a husband and wife that died just days apart, two sons away at war.
DIED - At his residence in Ripley township, Montgomery county, Ind., on Monday, May 25th, 1863, David Black; aged 58 years and 9 months. The deceased was born in Campbell co., Ky.; and removed to this county in the year 1825, where he has since resided. He died, as he had for years lived, having full faith in the efficacy of the shed-blood of the Redeemer, for the remission of sins.
- On Wednesday, May 27th, 1863, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of the late David Black; aged 57 years 7 months and 16 days.
Mrs. Black was also a firm and consistent christian. She lived in christ; and died the death of Christian -- having unshaken confidence in the promise of a better and happier - a home beyond the grave - a home among the just, in heaven."
Did you ever just wish an obituary would tell more than this? Had to do my own research to get names of the children, and found a family of great sorrow, David and Elizabeth Campbell Black had 10 children, Jane (Buried Stonebraker aged 1 year 6 months 10 days), Francis, Mary A., Elizabeth, Lydia, Margaret, James, and Daniel. Two children were soldiers in the civil war, William died October 27, 1864 "Killed in Battle" Georgia at the age of 25 and Edward died July 4, 1863 "killed at Gettysburg" aged 22 years, 6 months and 8 days.
Edward A. Black
Birth Year
abt 1841
Enrollment Date
22 Jul 1862
Discharge Date
4 Jul 1863
Lafayette, Indiana