Bible - John P. - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Bible - John P.

Source: New Richmond Record 5 June 1913 p 3

John P. Bible, a well known resident of Montgomery County died at his home in New Richmond at 8:30 o’clock Tuesday morning, his death being the result of a stroke of apoplexy he suffered at about noon Sunday. He had gone to the barn to get his automobile in readiness for an afternoon drive when he was stricken. He was carried to the house and everything possible was done but he never regained consciousness and sank slowly until the end. His passing away was quiet and peaceful.  John P. Bible would have been 60 years of age next month, having been born on the Bible homestead west of town July 26, 1853 died June 3, 1913. He was the son of John Bible. He is survived by two brothers, Alexander Bible of Waynetown; George W. Bible of Saline, Michigan; and three sisters, Mrs. Richard Hauk of Waynetown, Mrs. Eliza Alexander of Wingate and Mrs. Barbara Thomas of Danville, Ill.  Mr. Bible was united in marriage to Miss Annie Fraley in Linden Feb 7, 1878.  Four children blessed this union, the two older children having passed away, Miss Marnie, the oldest at age 15, and Ramey, the only son at the age of four. Mr. Bible is survived by his widow, Annie Fraley Bible and two daughters, Mrs. Clarence Stroh of Crawfordsville and Miss Margie Bible, living at home.  Mr. Bible was a farmer by occupation by withal a public spirited man, standing always as he saw it for the best interests of the community in which he always made his home. He served one term as sheriff of Montgomery County in 1892 and 1893, and except for the term of his office during which he and his family resided in Crawfordsville, he always lived on the farm where he was born until he retired from the farm six years ago and came to New Richmond to reside.  Mr. Bible was possessed of a sunny disposition, he loved a good joke and good laugh as he loved his friends, and enjoyed a wide acquaintance.  He was a member of Henry Clay Lodge knights of Pythias and the New Richmond ME Church. The funeral will occur at 2:30 this (Thursday) afternoon from the New Richmond Methodist Church.  The service will be conducted by Rev. HD Dick, the pastor. The interment will be made in the family lot in the New Richmond cemetery. The pallbearers will be Nicholas Washburn, Fred L. Hunt, RD Thomas, John W. Hollin, Monroe Mason and Edgar Walts. The family have requested that all the friends will call at the home to view the remains, as the casket will not be opened at the church. - kz

Source: New Richmond Record 5 June 1913 p 3

Mrs. Barbara Thomas of Danville, Ill arrived yesterday to attend the funeral of her brother, John P. Bible.

Source: Same
Clarence Stroh and wife came out from Crawfordsville Sunday afternoon to attend the bedside of her father, John P. Bible.

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