Bischof - Abe - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Bischof - Abe

Source: Crawfordsville Indiana Weekly Argus News Jan 9, 1892

A telegram came this morning announcing that Abe Bischof had died at Cameron Springs, where he went Monday with his brother, John in search of health. The announcement of his death will cause no great surprise but the keen sense of regret will be no less general in this community. Everybody knew Abe Bischof. He has been the right hand man in the big store of his brother Louie for the last 10 years. In health he was one of the busiest men in town. He could do more work and more talking than a man twice his size. His disposition was friendly and his tongue ready and witty. He had a good word for everybody and everybody was his friend. For the last year he has been in poor health. Everything was done that was possible to help him but did him no good. He grew worse day after day and sorrowing relatives saw long ago the early dissolution On Monday he felt better and thought by a visit to the springs he would grow stronger faster but it was not to be. Instead of improving he grew rapidly worse and the end came this morning. He carries nearly $5,000 life insurance in favor of his sisters and brothers. He was a member of the KP Order and was also a mason. Mr. Bischof was born I Heidelberg Germany and was 44 years of age. His nearest relatives living are, his mother and sister in Terre Haute, a sister in Dubuque, Iowa. Mrs. Kahn, John and Louie in this city and Morris, a traveling man. The remains left Attica at 1:30 o’clock this afternoon and are now in Terre Haute where the funeral sermon will be held and where he will be buried. Source: Crawfordsville, Indiana Weekly Argus News, Jan 16, 1892 This morning Dr. McMechan, Jacob Joel and WT Whittington went to Terre Haute, to attend the funeral of Abe Bischof. They went as the representatives of DeBayard lodge KP of which the deceased was a member - transcribed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 7 January 1892 (Thursday)

The relatives of Abe Bischof received a telegram from Attica this morning announcing his death which occurred at Cameron Springs, where he went last Monday with his brother, John, to be benefit of the waters. The journey, though short, was too much for his enfeebled condition and he sank peacefully away this morning at eight o’clock. The funeral will occur at his old home in Terre Haute tomorrow afternoon.
Crawfordsville had few citizens who were better known than Abe Bischof, he being so long connected with the Bischof Bazar. He was a most warm hearted man and proved himself generous in so many ways that he was highly esteemed by all with whom he was at all intimate. With employees of the Bazaar, he was especially popular, as he sought in many ways to add everything for their convenience and comfort. He died after an illness of several months, during which he suffered greatly from yellow jaundice and his loss will be sincerely mourned by his relatives and friends.
He was 44 years old and unmarried. Besides his private fortune, he leaves $50,000 life insurance. It is distributed among his two brothers and three sisters. His insurance is carried in a number of the best companies including the Northwestern, the New York Life, the Long Line, the National Union, the Royal Arcanum, and the Royal Society of Good Fellows. He was also insured in the Endowment ranks of the K. of P. and Masons

Source: Crawfordsville Review 9 Jan 1892 p 1
Abraham Bischof died at Cameron Spring, in Fountain county, last Thursday morning at the age of 45 years. Mr. Bischof has been in ill health for many months and on Monday last, in company with his brother, John, went to the springs in the hope of regaining his health. The trip proved a tedious one and grew worse instantly upon his arrival until finally passed peacefully away Thursday morning. The deceased has been a resident here for many years, being actively engaged in business with his brother. Louis Bischof. He carried life insurance to the amount of $50,000 which amount he willed equally among parents, brothers and sisters. The remains were shipped to Terre Haute, at which place the funeral will take place according to the Hebrew ceremony on tomorrow. Several from this city will attend.- kbz

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