Birdsong - Thedours R. - Arkie
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 28 Feb 1966 p 8 typed by Walt W
Funeral rites for T.R. (Arky) Birdsong, who died of a heart attack Saturday, are set for 11 a.m. Wednesday at Bright Funeral Home with Rev. Robert Shotts officiating. Burial will be in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 26 Feb 1966 p 6
Thedous R. (Arkie) Birdsong, proprietor of the Wabash Auto Sales died suddenly Saturday morning while visiting in Arkansas. According to a sister, at whose home he was staying, he was stricken at her residence and was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital at 3:20 a.m. Birdsong had lived in Crawfordsville for several years. His present residence was 15A Park Forest.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 25 Feb 1966
T.R. (Arkey) Birdsong, 53, of 15 A Park Forest, sustained a fatal heart attack Saturday morning at the home of a sister, Mrs. Allen Wood in DeWitt, Ark. Mr. Birdson who had flown to Arkansas Friday was pronounced deat on arrival at a Dewitt hospital.
He had owned and operated Wabash Auto Sales on Indianapolis Road since 1948. He came to Crawfordsville in 1939 and was employed as a mail carrier for about eight years. Born Sept 12, 1912, near Wild Cherry, Ark, he was a son of Samuel Richard and matilda Jane Shelton Birdsong. He attended school in Fultaon County, Ark. He was married Sept 2, 1934 at Bexar, Ark to Edith M. Neal who survives.
Mr. and Mrs. Birdsong began housekeepingin Byron, Ark, where he farmed. He also resided at Finley, Ark, approximately a year before moving to Crawfordsville.
Mr. Birdsong was a member of the Masonic Lodge No 50 of Crawfordsville and was a 32nd degree mason.
Survivors in addition to the widow and sister at whose home he was fatally stricken, include his mother, Mrs. Matilda Birdsong of DeWitt; three sons, Melvin G and Richard C. of Crawfordsville and DOnald M. who is attending Lamar College in Lamar, Colo; a daughter, Mrs. James Fentress of Crawfordsville; two brothers, Notchel and John Preston Birdsong, both of Red Bluff, Calif; four sisters in addition to Mrs. Wood; Mrs. WOodrow DIllard of Norwalk, Calif; Mrs. Pleas Powell of PInewood, Ark; Mrs. Charles Agee of Camden, Ala and Mrs. William Tutt of Crawfordsville; seven grandchildren, two uncles and two aunts.
He was preceded in death by his father who died here in September of 1962; an infant daughter, three brothers and a sister.
Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Bright Funeral Home with Rev. Robert Shotts, pastor of the Fremont Street Baptist Church officiating. Burial will be in Masonic Cemetery at Waynetown. Friends may call at the funeral home after noon Tuesday.