Binford - James

Source: Weekly Argus News, Crawfordsville, Indiana May 30, 1896 p 6
The sad but not unexpected intelligence was received last week of the death of James Binford which occurred at an early hour at the family residence in Paris, Ill. the deceased was the youngest son of Mrs. Elizabeth Binford and the mother and brother, A.W. Binford, were at the bedside when the end came. Mr. Binford has been failing and unable to give his attention to business for two years and for two months past has been bed fast. James Binford was the youngest son of William and Elizabeth Binford and was born Nov 9, 845 in Crawfordsville. At the age of 17 years he entered the army and served throughout the war in Col. Eli Lilly's command. He was a brave and fearless soldier and served his country well but the hardships of war were almost too much for him and he came out broken down in health. A complication of diseases that had their beginning in the service finally resulted in his death. In 1868 he was married to Miss Mary A. Vance and shortly thereafter they removed to Paris, Ill where Mr. Binford has since been engaged in the drug business. His wife and two daughters, Augusta H. and Mary A. survive him. The remains were brought here for interment. - kbz
Source: Indianapolis Journal Sat 23 May 1896 p 8
The death of James W. Binford, the former business partner of Col. Eli Lilly, occurred yesterday afternoon at Paris, Ill. In 1869 Colonel Lilly and Mrs. Binford embarked in the drug business at Paris, Ill, carrying on a partnership concern for four years. At the end of that period Colonel Lilly sold out his interest to his partner. Mr. Binford continued in business until his death. He was one of the prominent citizens of Paris. He was born in Crawfordsville in 1845. During the war he served in the 18th Indiana battery. A wife and two daughters survive him.