Bever - Henry Russell
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 22 June 1906, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana
Hillsboro, Ind News -- Henry Russell Bever, 48, of Hillsboro, died at noon Tuesday June 21, 1960 at the Veterans Hospital, Indianapolis where he had been a patient a week. He was employed as a mechanic at the Kerr Implement Company in Mellott. Born February 11, 1912 near Hillsboro, he was a son of Henry C. and Effie Leonard Bever. He was an Army veteran of WWII. Surviving are his mother, four children, Rita, Sandra, Pamar and Kenneth; a brother, Hardy and four sisters, Mrs. Merle Williams, Mrs. Daisy Birch; Mrs. Hazel Houser and Miss Martha Bever. The body is at the Crumley Funeral Home with funeral arrangements incomplete.