Beach - G.N. - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Beach - G.N.


Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Tuesday, April 7, 1914

Linden - A message was received here this morning by Emerson Beach who resides north of town, announcing the death of his father, GN Beach 74, Monday afternoon at Hot Springs Ark. There were no details as to what caused Mr. Beach's death. His body will be brought back here and it is supposed the interment will be in Romney Cemetery. Mr. Beach with his wife and daughter, Miss Stella have been spending the past 3 months in Hot Springs. It has been a custom of Mr. and Mrs. Beach for the past few years to spend the winter months in the south. For many years, Mr. Beach was one of the leading farmers of north of Linden. A year ago he rented the homestead to his son, Emmerson and has since resided in Lafayette. He was twice married, the first wife having been dead some years. He is surv by a widow and 5 children: Emmerson, north of Linden; Arthur, California; Everet, New Jersey and Garfield, Linden and one daughter, Miss Stella. The time of the funeral will be announced later. - typed by kbz

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