Bayless - Roy W.

Source: Waveland Independent newspaper, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana 4 July 1930
Roy W. Bayless, who has been ill for a long time with tuberculosis, died at his home in Browns Valley just before midnight on Thursday of last week. He was the son of William and Martha Miles Bayless and was born near Browns Valley August 27, 1894. He married Miss Inez Yeager March 31, 1920. She survives him with three sons: James William, Roy Junior and DOnald Lee and one daughter, Martha Mae. He served 18 months overseas in the World War and the exposure and being gassed caused his fatal sickness. He was a member of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, the latter organization having charge of the funeral on Sunday morning. He was a member of the Baptist Church and the funeral was held in the Baptist Church at Browns Valley in charge of Rev. H.H. Elmore, assisted by Rev. Francis McCarty. Burial at Freedom Cemetery where "taps" was sounded and a salute fired over the grave. The large crowd in attendance was an evidence of the high regard in which he was held in the community. Lt. George Slaves was one of the pall bearers - kbz