Bassett - Edward E.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday 1 April 1898
Indianapolis News: Edward E. Bassett died this morning at the Enterprise Hotel, which for some time had been his home. He was sixty four years old, and for several years had been an invalid. The immediate cause of death was heart failure. He came to this city when a small boy with his father’s family. The Bassett home was for many years a well known landmark. It was a two story frame house, the yard well filled with lilac bushes and old fashioned flowers. Mr. Bassett was educated at the Marion County Seminary and at Wabash College, where he was graduated. He studied law with the firm composed of Lucian Barbour, of this city, and Albert G. Porter, and afterward with Judge Gookins, of Terre Haute, with whom he afterward went into practice. He volunteered in the war for the Union in the summer of 1861, and was a lieutenant in Bracken’s Cavalry. After the war he took up the practice of law at Davenport, Ia. He moved to Springfield, Ill., and for several years edited the State Journal of that city. About twenty years ago he returned to Indianapolis and was for a time associated with Charles Test and John Coburn. He leaves a sister—Miss Julia A. Bassett—and a son—Van G. Bassett.