Barton - Harry G.
Harry G. BARTON -- excerpt

Source: Waveland Independent, July 8, 1932
The funeral of Harry Barton was held at the Methodist Church on Friday afternoon Rev. Victor Keiser officiating. Burial was at Union Cemetery where the services were in charge of the American Legion. Harry G. Barton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barton was born at Waveland Indiana November 24, 1887 and died at the Walter Reed Government Hospital at Washington DC June 26, 1932 at the age of 44 years and 7 months. At his departure he leaves his mother, 4 brothers, James of Wisconsin; Will of Logansport; Harve of Jamestown and Jess of Bloomingdale; also 4 sisters, Mrs. John W. Bugg of Indianapolis; Mrs. Bert Murray of Russellville; Mrs. Guy Durham of Waveland and Mrs. Dan W. Murphy of Crawfordsville.