Bannister - William - CW - 1897
Source: Weekly Argus News Jan 30, 1897 p 3
William Bannister died last week at his home in Highland after a painful illness extending over four months. The deceased was born in Hamilton, Ohio 63 years ago but has been a resident of Crawfordsville for over 18 years. When the call came for volunteers in 1861, Mr. Bannister shouldered a musket and went to the front. He served his country well in Co B of the 77th Indiana. He leaves a wife and five grown children to mourn his loss. – kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 29 January 1897
Wm Bannister died last Friday at his residence on South Elm Street. He had been a patient sufferer for months and death came to him as a relief. The funeral occurred on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the family residence. Interment was at Oak Hill.
William Bannister was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, sixty five years ago. In 1855 he was married to Elizabeth Dole and in 1858 came to Crawfordsville, where he resided until his death. Mr. Bannister served for three years in the Civil War as a member of Company B, 72d Indiana Volunteers. He was an excellent soldier and participated in nearly fifty bloody engagements.
Mr. Bannister was a quiet and industrious citizen and was generally esteemed. He leaves a wife and five children, two daughters and three sons. Two of his sons are now members of the police force of Crawfordsville. Mr. Bannister’s funeral Sunday was conducted by McPherson Post G. A. R., of which order he was a member.