Ball - William T.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier, Fri, Jan 07, 1944 ·Page 7
WAYNETOWN, Jan. 6- William T. Ball, 79, retired farmer, died today at his home. Surviving are the widow, formerly Elizabeth Hopping; two sons, Francis and Ernest, at sea with the navy; three brothers and two sisters. Body at the Grenard and Servies funeral home for services there at 2 Saturday. – thanks to Lena
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Jan 11, 1944 p 2
Waynetown Jan 6 - William T. Ball, 79, died Thursday morning at his home here, following an illness of 11 weeks. Death was caused by a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Ball was a retired farmer and had lived all his life in this community. He was born near here on Nov 4, 1864, the son of Benjamin and Mary Bell Ball; and was married in June 1903 to Elizabeth Hopping near Yountsville. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge.
Survivors include two sons: Francis J and Ernest C, both of whom are in the navy; three sisters, Mrs. HA McCarty and Mrs. James Switzer, both of Waynetown and Mrs. Elizabeth Gegner of Crawfordsville; two brothers, John Ball and Charles Ball both of Crawfordsville and two step grandchildren.
THe body was taken to the Grenard & Servies Funeral Home here where funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in charge of the Rev. Guy E. Tremaine. Burial will be in the Masonic Cemetery here.