Barnard - James F - KIA WWII

Source: Waveland Independent, Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana, June 15, 1944
Ensign James F. BARNARD, 23, a navy bomber co-pilot, was killed in action in the Southwest Pacific according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barnard of Ladoga. He had been in that theatre of war as a copilot on a Liberator B-24 bomber, having been inducted in June 1942. His parents last received word from him about a month ago. His mother is the former Mollie SEYBOLD of Waveland and is a cousin of Mrs. F. E. SHANKS. There are 3 younger brothers, Robert 21 of Camden, NJ and Ralph, 18 and Harley 10, at home.
Note: Buried Ladoga Cemetery
Barnad, James F. - Killed 27 May 1944 - he is also said to be buried (I think his body is - memorial at Ladoga) in the American Cemetery at Manila, Philippines
Source: Indianapolis Star, Sat 10 June 1944 p 24
Crawfordsville, June 9 – Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barnard of Ladoga were notified last night by the Navy Department that their son, Ensign James F. Barnard, 23, co-pilot on a Liberator bomber, who recently was reported missing, was killed in action in the Southwest Pacific. Ensign Barnard enlisted July 10, 1942 and went overseas in October, 1943. He was a graduated of Ladoga HS and attended Indiana University. He was engaged to be married to Miss Dorothy Jean Denny, a graduate nurse at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis.
Source: Muncie Evening Press Fri 23 June 1944 p 11
Washington June 23 – A Navy casualty list today reported as dead Ensign James F. Barnard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Barnard of Ladoga, Indiana.