AYERS, Alonzo J.

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Friday July 16, 1915
Alonzo Ayers, eighty-one years old, a resident of Crawfordsville for nearly half a century, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carrie L. Helm, south Water street, at seven-thirty Thursday evening after an illness of about four months, resulting from the infirmities of age. Until March of this year Mr. Ayers had enjoyed food health despite his advanced years. During the past few weeks his condition has gradually become weaker as a result of illness until the end finally came Thursday evening. Mr. Ayres came to Crawfordsville in 1874. He was born in Miamisburg, Ohio, February 15, 1834. At the age of twenty he came to Montgomery county, residing at Waveland. He was married to Laura Benham in 1859 at Waveland and to them were born three children, Mrs. Helm, Mrs. James Tobin of this city and Mrs. Robert W. Irwin of Indianapolis. The wife of the deceased has been dead for fifteen years. When he came to this city forty-one years ago, Mr. Ayers accepted a position with the Crawfordsville Casket Company, continuing in the employ of this company until six years ago when his age and health forced home to retire from the work. He had resided with his daughter for the past twenty years. He was a man of truly Christian characteristics and possessed a host of friends in Crawfordsville and throughout the country. Funeral services will be conducted from the home of Mrs. Helm, 315 south Water street, Saturday afternoon at three. Burial will be in Oak Hill cemetery.
Note: Sergeant in Company K, 11th Infantry Regiment, Indiana
File Created: 3 July 2011 - thanks, Kim H - kz