Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 6 April 1977 p 2
Herbert R. Alexander, 77 Rockville, a retired barber, died Monday in Regional Hospital at Terre Haute. He was a member of Rockville Presbyterian Church, New Richmond Lodge 604 F & AM, Scottish Rite Valley of South Bend, Orak Shrine at Hammond and Fellenzer Post 48 American Legion at Rockville. Born Nov., 30, 1899, at New Richmond, he was the son of James and Nettie Robinson Alexander. He served with the U. S. Navy during World War I. Surviving is the widow, Hazel. Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Barnes Mortuary here with Dr. Thomas Arthur officiating. Burial will be in New Richmond Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home. -- tch