Alexander - Elizabeth McCormick

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review August 20, 1967
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Alexander, 74, widow of Frederick V. Alexander, died at 2:35 a.m. Saturday at Culver Hospital where she had been a patient for eight days. Her home was in Ladoga. Born Sept 5, 1892, in Montgomery County Mrs. Alexander was the daughter of Frank and Hannah Brown McCormick. She was married to Mr. Alexander Dec 24, 1910 in Crawfordsville. He died August 22, 1965. Mrs. Alexander had resided in Ladoga and on a farm northwest of Ladoga since 1948. She previously had lived in New Ross and Crawfordsville. The deceased was a member of the Christian Church at Ladoga. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Mahan of Bandon, Ore; Mrs. Beulah McGaughey of Ladoga, Mrs. Mary Sewell of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Ruth Bain of New Market; one son, Lawrence Alexander of Indianapolis; a brother, George H. McCormick of near Ladoga; a sister, Mrs. Mary Hartley of Ladoga; 7 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday at the Ladoga Christian Church in charge of the pastor, Paul Ingram. Burial will be in Masonic Cemetery at Crawfordsville. Friends may call at the Gephart Funeral Home in Ladoga. -- kbz