Wooden - Frances
Zach, Karen Bazzani. Crawfordsville: Athens of Indiana. Charleston,
SC: Arcadia, 2003 p 46 (Lincoln School)
George W. Thompson, principal, told his students opportunities were never
better for the African American whose conduct is above reproach and who proves
himself to his community. Thus was the case for one well-loved woman, Frances
Wooden. John Bowerman stated: "The greatness and strength of any community
is determined by the moral attributes of those who make up the land in which we
live ... unsung heroes transform the lives of the youth. In Crawfordsville
Frances was one of those heroes, and increasingly, with the passing of time,
her life becomes a profile of inspiration. For several years, her mother,
Fanny, was in charge of the kitchen at the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity at Wabash
College and Frances' father, Elijah worked odd jobs. The Wooden family lived on
Beech Street, Crawfordsville. A 1935 grad of CHS, Frances loved music. It
became her solace, especially after developing polio. Her effort to receive
that coveted diploma was a major task with her disability. Per religion, she
read her Bible daily. Under her graduation picture was the legend, "Great
works are performed by perseverance." She even found a job working for the
Welfare Department at the old YMCA building at the corner of Pike & Green.
Her favorite Bible passage red, "Let the children come to me, do not
hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God." The children did
indeed come and Rita Hamm, longtime director of the Park & Rec Department
said Frances was a pioneer. She organized cooking & sewing classes for
mothers, as well as for youngsters themselves. She taught the Northside children
to be proud of their area and to keep it clean. Youngsters who were too poor to
buy needed supplies to make crafts were never excluded. Retiring Dec 30, 1982,
she had worked with children more than 35 years. On June 7, 1985, Mayor Glenn
Knecht headed a Frances Wooden Day appropriately held in the Northside Rec
center where she had spent so many years with her beloved children. It wasn't
just the mayor and the Crawfordsville folks who thought she deserved
recognition; however, as Gov Robert Orr recognized her with a Special
Appreciation award for her many years of dedication as a public employee.
"She felt the hand of her Precious Lord leading her home Jan 20,