Wingate - John C. - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Wingate - John C.

Source: History of Montgomery County, Indiana.  Indianapolis: AW Bowen, 1913, pp 1192-1194.
  It is not everyone who succeeds in having a town named after him, but  this honor has fallen to John C. Wingate, one of Montgomery county's  most representative citizens, few people of the locality being better  known; none occupy a more conspicuous place in the confidence of the  public, and it is a compliment worthily bestowed to class him with the  progressive men of his day and generation in the vicinity of his  residence, having done much for the general development of the town of  Wingate and surrounding country. In all that constitutes true manhood  and good citizenship he is a notable example, his career having ever  been characterized by duty faithfully performed and by industry, thrift  and wisely directed effort. These have led to the acquisition of a  liberal share of this world's goods. His personal relations with his  fellow men have ever been mutually pleasant and agreeable, and he is  highly regarded by all, being easily approached, obliging and straight  forward in all the relations of life. He believes in doing well whatever  he undertakes and in extending aid and sympathy to others, and he is a  fine example of that type of progressive citizens who rise paramount to  environment and all which seeks to hinder them.

  Mr. Wingate was born May 22, 1851, in Coal Creek township, Montgomery  county, about a mile and a half from Pleasant Hill (now known as  Wingate). He is a son of William A. and Nancy (Coon) Wingate. The father  was born in East Monroe. Ohio, and there he spent his earlier years,  removing to Montgomery county, Indiana, when a young man, in 1840, and  here he spent the rest of his life, successfully engaged in agricultural  pursuits. He was a son of Philip Wingate and wife. The mother of our  subject was born in Miami county, Ohio, near Potsdam. Her father was one  of a family of sixteen children.

  John C. Wingate grew to manhood in his native community and here  received a good common school education. On May 22, 1879, he was married  to Lida Gilkey, a daughter of Aaron H. and Mary Gilkey. Mrs. Wingate's  father was treasurer and trustee of Coal Creek township for a period of  twenty-one years continuously.

  At a barbecue and basket dinner, given in a grove near Pleasant Hill  by the men on the construction train of the Clover Leaf railroad in 1881  it was determined to change the name of the town of Pleasant Hill to  Wingate. A telegram was received from Gen. John M. Corse, president of  the above named railroad, by Eli Marvin, a director of the road, who was  asking that this change be made, and his request was concurred in by  meeting. Among those in attendance were Colonel Maynard, editor of the  Indianapolis Sentinel, Hon. Peter S. Kennedy, Hon. M. D. White and Gen.  Mahlon D. Manson, all of whom had made addresses, at the conclusion of  which Mr. Marvin read General Corse's telegram, in which he stated that  the station here should be named Wingate, for the reason that a town of  several hundred people in Ohio, and on the Clover Leaf road, was named  Pleasant Hill and it was deemed advisable to change the name of the  local town to prevent confusion. Afterwards the postoffice department  changed the name of the postoffice from Pleasant Hill to Wingate, so  that the name of the town and the station would comport. Thus the town  was named for our subject.

  Mr. Wingate was one of a family of five children, he being the eldest,  and he is the only one that survives, and his parents are both  deceased. His nearest of kin is Claude Hughes, a nephew, a son of our  subject's youngest sister, who died when her son Claude, was two years  old. He was reared by our subject and wife, who have also reared Arthur  Hogan, known as Arthur Wingate, who is now married and is living at Long  Beach, California. Our subject took him from the Montgomery County  Orphans' Home when he was four years old. Our subject and wife having  had no children of their own, have taken a great interest in the above  named boys, giving them every advantage of education and otherwise  looking after their interests in the same manner as if they had been  their own.

  Mr. Wingate is leading a quiet life, after an active and successful  business career. He was for many years a traveling salesman. He has  served on the Indiana Tax Board for nearly ten years, giving eminent  satisfaction in this capacity. He has a beautiful and modernly appointed  home in Wingate, surrounded by a large and well-kept lawn. He has a  Mission style sleeping house, sixteen by twenty feet in size and  containing twenty-three windows and one door, the former being Pullman  car windows. The exterior has a pebble cement stucco finish, and the  interior woodwork is covered with oil paintings, and the furniture is of  cane. It is a most sanitary and pleasant room.

  Politically, Mr. Wingate is a Republican, and fraternally he belongs  to the Masonic Order, the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order  of Odd Fellows, all at Wingate. - transcribed by kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Saturday Journal, 1-12-1887

The Indianapolis Journal of Monday under the title of "Person's who  are Talked About" has the following to say of Col. John C. Wingate of  this county: John C. Wingate, a farmer who has pockets full of money has  put up at the Grand, and will remain until the "war is over." Mr.  Wingate has a little town of his own and its name is Wingate. The place  is in Montgomery County and is becoming quite a thriving little village.  Two years ago Mr. Wingate, who has a very large farm, concluded that  his neighborhood needed a town and a post office and he started the town  by laying out quite a number of lots, which were soon sold. He started a  general store and soon after made application for a post office. After  considerable labor he succeeded in securing an office by the name of  Wingate and he himself as postmaster. His town is growing rapidly and in  time, he says, promises to be a business center of some importance. He  is a radical Democrat and with the remainder of the revolutionsts,  thinks the fort ought to be held at all hazards. The man who interviewed  the Journal reporter was evidently from this county and bent on gulling  the press. When John reads in the paper he swears by that he is a  Democrat, there will be blood on the moon. The question now, who  orginated the joke! - transcribed by kbz


Source: Crawfordsville Star, Oct 27, 1881 p 5

Saturday morning dawned bright and clear and at an early hour, the people of the surrounding country began coming in, in wagons, buggies, horseback and on foot to see the first passenger train come in on the famous narrow gauge railroad and help celebrate the event. The train arrived promptly on time 10:30 a.m. and the speakers and visitors were escorted to the Wingate Grove by the Crawfordsville Band. The programme of exercises was as follows: The Rev. ER Johnson called the meeting to order and in a few appropriate and well times remarks introduced Gen. MD Manson who made the address of welcome;  response by Eli Marvin of Frankfort.  After the response came dinner, which was a regular old fashioned basket dinner. The ladies of Pleasant Hill and vicinity had made provisions for all the visitors, and spread out a feast fit for a king to sit down to. After dinner the audience were called together by the band, which played several appropriate selections. Relations of Railroads to Journalism, response by Col. JB Maynard, editor, Indianapolis Sentinel. Toast: “Montgomery County after Railroads “ – response by Hon. PS Kennedy. “The City of Frankfort,” response by Hon. EH Staley, editor, Frankfort Crescent. After Mr. Staley closed his speech Hon. Eli Marvin arose addressed the audience, stating that he wished to read a telegram from Mr. Craig, general manager of the road.  The telegram state that, owing to there being another station on this road by the name of Pleasant Hill, it would be necessary, in order to avoid confusion and annoyance to change the name of this station, which would hereafter be known on the line as “Wingate.”

That he gave it that name as a slight token of the appreciation of the services of JC Wingate in behalf of the town of Pleasant Hill and also the services rendered the road.  The announcement was received with applause, and calls for Wingate, Wingate, who came upon the sand and in a few modest but appropriate words, assured the audience that Mr. Marvin’s announcement was entirely unexpected to him and entirely unsought, and that he would not accept the change or allow his name and unless the people of this place and vicinity were willing it should be so, and asked those present what should be done in the case.  Cries of “the matter is decided,” let the case alone, “Wingate is good enough,” you deserve it … etc. were heard; wherepon he thanked his friends and neighbors for their appreciation of his efforts to get a railroad through this place. So ended the grand jollify, glorify ratification meeting at Pleasant Hill.  Since writing the above we have talked with a good many of the best citizens of Coal Creek and there is a very general feeling of satisfaction that the authorities on the railroad have shown that they appreciated JC Wingate’s efforts to get a railroad through our township.                  
The people of Pleasant Hill and vicinity know that he has done more toward getting the road than any three men in the township and that it was only by his unceasing, untiring efforts that the road was diverted from its original route to the one it is now built upon. He has spent much time and money to get the road here, and now that it is about completed, let us not forget to “give honor to whom honor is due.” The railroad meeting at Pleasant Hill Saturday last was a success in every way.  Addresses were given by Gen. Manson, Hons. White and Kennedy of Crawfordsville; Col. Maynard of Indianapolis; Col. Clark, Eli Martin and E.H. Staley of Frankfort; ER Johnson as Chaplain. The Crawfordsville band made good music; plenty of dinner. - kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Star, Oct 27, 1881 p 8

Like a comet that suddenly bo’sis ioio (sic) sight, lighting up the filament with its edulgeace (?), John C. Wingates’s name has become a household word; but, unlike a comet, John will stay with us both in person and in name. The Superintendent of the Toldeo Delphis & St. Louis RR telegraphed to the people at the Pleasant Hill RR Section meeting on last Saturday that on account of there being another Pleasant Hill on the line of the road in Ohio, the station by that name in this county would be changed to Wingate - kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Star, Nov 3, 1881 p 5

In the letter from Pleasant Hill last week we notice one or two of the speakers were omitted, unintentionally we suppose. The list of speakers was as follows: Rev. ER Johnson, Chaplain; Gen. Manson; Hons. MD White and PS Kennedy of Crawfordsville; Col. Maynard of Indianapolis; Col. Clark, Eli Marvin and EH Staley of Frankfort; and Col. JC Wingate. (note from kbz – this is   quite odd as every one of these WAS mentioned)

Source: Around the County article by Karen Bazzani Zach in The Paper of Montgomery County July 2020

Wingate – the town, the man!

One of the goals I wrote for the Montgomery County GenWeb page this January was to do more in the upper portion of the county and yesterday I was reviewing the five goals and realized I had already accomplished three of them 1) 100 photos – check!  2) 1500 obits added – check 3)  Work on businesses, churches and schools – we’ve added many business ads, much about churches and hubs is working on adding Charlie Arvin’s wonderful school histories, and the Waveland school graduation pictures that were at one time down the hallway of the school.  One goal I’m not getting along real well with but sure have it in mind all the time and am collecting information – to write a Waveland history then if that comes out well to do all the towns (well, I do have Crawfordsville done already – lol).  Last one is  – more work on the top of the county.  
Problem was – how and what do I include to be able to check this one off – “more work on the top of the county, especially Wingate and Darlington.”  I mean there were already a great many people in all those obituaries that have been going up and of course a lot of school information.  Also, Martha Ellen Flaningan’s super Sugar Creek Township … FB page is awesome and of course, giving credit, I have used a few things from there and with credit, she uses things from the GenWeb page – always remember to give credit when you are writing or telling or facebooking others work.  Also, I have written some articles about the Darlington area folks, as well – Peterson, Brock, Irons, so am doing it a bit but need to get busy and do more.  
That said, let’s talk about something you may or may not be familiar with, but bet you’ll learn at least one thing even if you’re an expert on the subject.  Most of you do know that Wingate was originally called (and often still is) Pleasant Hill; however, the new Cloverleaf Railroad going through already had a Pleasant Hill on it and the company desired no messes as to which someone chose to go or send to.  Thus, a meeting was called, a wonderful picnic and speech-making held (Oct 1881) in the Wingate Grove, a large beautiful area at the edge of town and the last piece of business was a letter from the railroad’s general manager, suggesting the new name of the town be Wingate #1 as there wouldn’t be another by that name and #2 without John Clay “Wingate” there wouldn’t have been a railroad in that town for the farmers to ship crops, cattle and such or anyone to hop on and visit friends, or shop in Indianapolis.  Wingate refused but because of the love, support and wild cheers from his town folks, he finally consented to the change; thus, Wingate was born (added on to, expanded, etc. as the new Wingate).  
Wingate loved children as did his wife, Lida Gilkey, but they were not blessed with any per se; however, his nephew, J. Claude Hughes (son of his sister, Susan who passed away when her son was but two) was raised with great love and protection, along with Arthur Hoagland whom the Wingates went to the local orphan’s home and chose.  Others raised by the Wingates included Newton DeBoss; Lida Irwin; and Maude Auter.  
A strong Republican, the papers loved to tease him about everything, including politics and even once tagged him as a “radical Democrat,” but at the end noted it was “just a joke!”  Several times he was referred to as a rich farmer with “pockets full of money” – that he was, that he did!  But, he worked extremely hard in various walks of life, as the first postmaster of Wingate, in the realty area, owner of a general store, as an Implement dealer (traveling salesman, actually), on the state tax commission (everyone enjoyed him coming to check their records as he always made it fun) plus he loved to entertain and promote the community.
Even being the railroad guru and having many wonderful men (General Manson; Lew Wallace) backing his work, the wifey didn’t mind suing the Cloverleaf for $10,000 due to a serious injury she received when getting off onto the platform in May 1890 and the train lunging forward and throwing her down giving her a brain and other injuries still prevalent two years later. Not sure what the outcome was but I did find that ironic!
One of the fascinating things about Wingate is his extreme closeness with James Whitcomb Riley and Lew Wallace, all authors, all presenters.  Wingate dearly loved to entertain.  He loved to tell stories, especially about the corn in the Wingate area, once saying with “proven measurement” that Philip Deiter’s corn grew 24” in 24 hours and that one time there was sooo much corn in the area that it was all over the road and made driving through it impossible.  Another favorite topic was to promote good habits, usually accentuating a favorite story of when he was young and awakened, charged up to find his golden tobacco box (again and again)  thinking there surely had to be some. Nope!  So, “I wrote a poem: Mr. Tobacco I propose to see – whether I am running you … or you are running me!”  He never had a chew again.  This was his point – if you’re gonna’ do something – just do it! He never hesitated on much of anything once he set his mind to a task!
Add the Knights of Pythias, Masons and Independent Order of Odd Fellows and M.E. Church, all at Wingate to his repertoire.  He may have had a bit of artistic value but the oil paintings covering the walls of his home and swing house (see below) may have been Lew’s, local painters or wo knows?  Wingate often referred to Riley as humorous, happy and jolly but he seemed pretty amazing in regards to those adjectives, as well.  A tough fellow, he once (June 1907) fell down an elevator shaft and wasn’t expected to live or if so, being an invalid. Instead he lived 17 more years.  
Governor Mount and Hanly were two of his favorites, working for both (probably prompted by Mount since his first year is when Wingate began his serious political career) and inviting them to his beautiful home (see CDPL photo) each year for a fried chicken dinner, talk to the local folks and an afternoon of pitching horseshoes.  Although he built the beautiful “swing house,” on his home for his wife, he so enjoyed entertaining in it, especially proud that the windows were from old Pullman cars, but after retiring from the Tax Board, he mainly lead a quiet life, enjoying relatives, friends and “Wingate folks!”  

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