Wilson - William - Blind Billy
Note: Although not ALL of the
information below is about Blind Billy, it is about someone in his family --
I'm also not sure exactly who sent it but it's GREAT & so appreciated. Many
of Blind Billy's descendants still live in the Waveland-Russellville area ! kbz
following paragraphs [2] were copied from family notes which had been hand
written by Ruby Wilson Dragoo, the 2nd great granddaughter of William Wilson
and Nancy Ann Bell. "Wm Wilson, a man of English, Scotch & Welch
decent was born in England in 1749. He married Nancy Ann Bell in Ireland [she
was of Irish & English decent]. They emigrated to America in the year 1775
on account of more religious freedom in the New World. While en route to
America, Thomas Wilson was born in Mid-ocean. They settled near Philadelphia
for a while, then moved to South Western Ohio, where they purchased land on
White Water River near Cincinnati and later purchased land and settled in
Fleming Co., Ky., near Flemingsburg."
* Note: I'm not sure who the compiler mentioned
below is but THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending this great work our way :) --------
mid 1998 this compiler received from Rose Sheldon Newton, 4th great
granddaughter through John Alexander Wilson's daughter, Elta Wilson, various
information concerning land purchases made by William in Penlick County, Ohio.
a genealogist from Kentucky says: "William Wilson was an early settler of
Fleming County, Kentucky and purchased land of George Stocton as early as
1790." The first record found of his being in Kentucky was in the county
of Mason. Deed Book C., pg. 344, in which the following was recorded:
"July 6, 1796 - George Stockton and wife Rachel to William Wilson and wife
Ann for the sum of 150 pounds - - 500 acres of land on the water of
receipt given to William Wilson for this land has been preserved and reads:
"Received of William Willson two thousand weight Iron and castons and
thirty pounds worth of hors trade and twenty pounds in cash in all one hundred
and fifty pounds being in full pay for the same five hundred acres of land for
which the said Willson hais my bond I say recieved by me this 25 day of July
1796." George Stockton.
William Wilson didn't settle on this land for a while because the records in
Mason County, Kentucky shows: "William Wilson appointed Michael Cassity,
of Fleming County power of attorney for purpose of ejecting all persons who may
settle on a tract of land 500 acres in my name County Fleming on water of
branch of Fleming known by the name of Wilson Run." 13th Day of Mar. 1798
Witness: Daniel Wilson; John Jones; Thomas Dougherty [These receipts copied
with exact spelling as original. They were shared with this author by the same
Rose Sheldon Newton, a descendant of William Burtin Wilson.
the old receipts there are two that date back prior to the one for land in
1796. They are dated 1787 and read: "Recd 23rd March 1787 of William
Willson the quantity of Six hundred & nine pounds of Bar Iron and likewise
three hundred and ninety one pounds castings." Recd by Mr. George Stockton
Rachel A Tax receipt for 1798 reads: "Recd of Wm Willson the sum of 2- 2/7
in full of his levy & tax for the year 1798." April 26, 1800. William
McCormick, Fleming County sold to William Wilson for 15 pounds of money, 1 gray
mare 3 brindle Cows 1 red cow and calf." The above transaction was also
recorded in the court records of Fleming County. Bk. A p. 287. Other Receipts:
May 28, 1800 – Rec’d of Wm Wilson 2.58-1/2 cents in full of his levy and tax
for the year 1799. G. Stockton for A. B. "For value rec'ved I promise to
pay or cause to be paid unto Wm Wilson three pounds two shillins to be paid in
carpenter work on demand as witness my hand & seal Augest forth 1802."
Jacob Mahan seal Attest John H. Lee -- Received Feb 8 1804 of William Wilson by
the hand of Thomas Doughtery three dollars and sixteen cents in full of his
revenue tax and levy for the year 1802 G. Stockton D. S. G. Ruddell
Thomas Wilson's birth is reported as having taken place in Pennsylvania in the
1850 Mortality Report for Putnam County, Indiana, Thomas, the son of William
and Mary Wilson was born mid-ocean on board the liner carrying William and Mary
to the USA from Ireland.'
In 1814, upon the death of his beloved father, Thomas and his brother, John,
received from the estate the wagon, and all the gears belonging thereto. In
addition, Thomas received the doctor book and dictionary, and saddle bags. John
in turn received Brown's filly.
Thomas later ... together with two of his
brothers, John and Samuel, removed to Putnam County Indiana at an early date
[Putnam Co., History]. " Thomas Wilson and Jane Hughes were married on
July 25th 1805. They, as were their parents, zealous members of The
Presbyterian Church; but during the revival at Cane Ridge in 1801 The Wilson
and the Hughes families embraced the views of Barton W. Stone. " In the
year 1826, Thomas Wilson with his wife and seven children emigrated from Ky. in
covered wagon and entered land in Putnam Co. [Three miles south east of
Russellville.] Much labor was required to remove the dense forest that covered
all of their land. As soon as they had erected their log cabin, it was
converted into a house of prayer. In it, Thomas Wilson brought together his few
neighbors and held a prayer meeting, at which time they decided to organize a
small church, and they took unto themselves the name given first in Antioch
[Acts 11:19-22-"26"] (called Christians first in Antioch.) Therefore
as of Moses it may be written of Thomas Wilson "this is he that was with
the church in the wilderness." Prayer meetings continued being held in
Thomas Wilson's home and in other homes of neighbors in the Hebron community.
As often as Thomas Wilson could secure the services of a minister, he would
again call his neighbors together for preaching services. [One of the two
certainties of life is taxes; and a small piece of scrap paper was a receipt
for tax which Thomas Wilson paid in the year 1827. Thomas, a resident of the
Russell Township, his state and county tax for the year was $1.00 due to the
160 acres [with improvements] owned by him. In 1829, and then owning 400 acres,
the tax was only $1.12. By 1833 he owned 560 acres of land and paid $82.75
state and county tax. By 1837, taxes had gone up to $7.03.] References to taxes
taken from " History of Putnam Co."
in March, 1829, James Hughes [brother of Jennie Hughes Wilson] came from
Kentucky to visit his sister and her family. In March of 1829 James Hughes of Ky.
held services in the home of Philip Gardner. He preached the "ancient
gospel" to the people of this "The Hebron Community" that
Baptism in connection with faith and repentance was divinely appointed for the
remission of sins. This doctrine caused no small "stir" among some of
the people who had never heard a sermon on Baptism, but it was, never-the-less,
very generally well received. Eighteen persons were added to this little church
that had been first established in the little log cabin of Thomas Wilson; the
first to make his confession was William Wilson- the blind son of Thomas and
Jennie Hughes Wilson; Wm. Wilson with the 17 others - confessed their Savior
before men and were straight way buried with Him by Baptism. The congregation
organized and elders were chosen: Tobias Grider, and Thomas Wilson, who served
in that capacity until his death on March 5th 1850. The following summer in
August of 1829, Elder Hughes returned to Putnam Co., and held meetings in the
homes of Andrew and Phillip Gardner at which time 42 persons made their
confessions and were baptized--The church was now fully established with a
membership of 80 - at this time the church was named "The Hebron Christian
Church." [ In preparing the ground for these meetings in the large Gardner
grove, a most serious accident occurred. A large overhanging limb fell from a
tree and struck a young man, Albert Wilson, on the head, killing him instantly.
His body was laid to rest almost at the place of his death, he being the first
to be buried in the Forgy Cemetery.] The first regular minister was Michael
Coombs and the church met in the homes of its members until in the 1840's when
a log church was erected on land donated by Thomas Wilson.
following is a description of Michael Combs taken from "Crawfordsville, A
Pictorial History" by Pat Cline. "
Combs had a desire to preach the gospel but it was years before he found a
location where he was fully accepted. He purchased land in Montgomery Co.,
{Indiana} in 1826, where he was finally excepted as a "worthy
preacher." People flocked to hear what "this babbler" had to
say. The views he presented found favor among the people and that day became
the beginning of active operations in a new and extensive field. It was the
early dawn of the, reformation, and Combs found himself right in the midst of
1864 the log church burned and the old Hebron Church remembered today was
erected on the same site five years later. It was dedicated on Feb. 20, 1870 by
O. P. [Oliver] Badger, Bud Johnson, J. H. Kuhn, A. J. Frank, L. E. Murray, E.
B. Scofield, and Jack Ashly. By 1901 the membership had grown to 230. Old
leaders had passed away, or lost their influence, and, since Russellville was
becoming the social, educational, and cultural center of the community, it was
decided to move to town. In 1904 it was decided to spend $9,000 for a new
building in Russellville. Jack Ashley was the pastor and lead the drive for
funds that resulted in raising $5,000. Much labor was donated and the present
Christian Church was built. On Nov. 26, 1905 the new church was dedicated by
Rev. F. M. Raines, whose fund raising efforts brought in $600 more than the
previous one. Except for some remodeling and redecoration, the building remains
today essentially the same structure. The present congregation is affiliated
with the Disciples of Christ. Above information taken from both Ruby Wilson
Dragoo notes and "History of Putnam Co., Indiana. Putnam county information
began on pg. 337-338.
to follow taken from Putnam County History, pg. 343. "On March 5, 1850 the
old pioneer, Thomas Wilson born 1775, was buried on a small knoll west of his
original log cabin. This started the Hebron Cemetery. He and his wife, Jane
Hughes, 1789-1876, were the only ones buried there who were both born in the
18th Century."
copied from the Christian Record, Vol. VII No XI published in Bloomington, Ind.
May, 1850: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wilson received land, according to the provisions of the act of Congress of 24
April, 1820, entitled "An Act making further provision for the sale of the
Public Lands," the north east quarter of Section twenty-three, in Township
Eleven North of Russellville five west, in the District of Land subject to sale
at Vincennes, Indiana, containing 160 acres. The original document was signed
by Martin Van Buren, President of the U.S., on the first day of October 1840.
It is recorded Volume 51, page ---, General Land Office, Vincennes.
Wilson Dragoo's notes continue: "Among the new members of the church
[Hebron] were several young men nearly all of whom began at once to pray in
public and some of them began preaching-- Indeed - but few of the Disciples of
that early day were ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the absence of
Preachers [of whom there were but a few] these young men "considered one another
to provoke unto love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of themselves
together" as the manner of some "is". Foremost among the young
disciples was William Wilson, better known as 'Blind Billy' Wilson, who entered
upon his public ministry soon after his immersion in 1828: At first his efforts
were rather feeble owing to his inability to read the Bible: But as his heart's
and prayer to God; were that he might become an able minister of the New
Testament, his father, Mother and other relatives and friends read the Bible to
him: as they read-they told him the Book, chapter number and verses - and
stimulated by his desire to teach and preach according to the grace given him
from on high, he memorized the entire New Testament, and when the scriptures were
read to him, he had learned and remembered, The Book, Chapter and verse that
was being read to him. Thus "Blind Billy" Wilson became one of the
pioneer preachers of Indiana, Ohio and Ky. & Illinois and organized and
dedicated a number of Churches in this and other states- some of the local
churches include The Haw Creek Christian Church, The Fincastle Christian Church
and the Parkersburg and Parkville Christian Churches & the Old Somerset
Christian Church. Until the Hebron Church was built, meetings continued to be
held in homes in winter time and rainy weather; and, in the summer time
meetings were held in a grove near the home of Andrew Gardner - which is the
present location of the Forgey graveyard. The first Hebron Church building was
erected in 1830 of hewn logs on the Thomas Wilson farm, the logs and all of the
building material was from the land owned by Thomas Wilson: The new church was
dedicated by John M. Harris - husband of Jane Wilson Harris. In the year 1864 -
this first church building was set afire and completely destroyed: In 1869 -
the present structure was erected exactly on the spot where the first church
had been burned. All of the timber and material used in building this second
church - was cut and hauled from the farm of "Blind Billy" Wilson.
The new church was dedicated by Oliver P. Badger on Feb. 20, 1870.
Obituary from newspaper clipping saved by Edith Wilson Sutherlin, niece of
Newton's. Publication of Nov. 24, 1927 : "Newton Wilson, son of William
and Susannah Goff Wilson, was born near Russellville, Indiana, Oct. 31st, 1841,
and departed this life Nov. 13th 1927, at the age of 86 years and 12 days. He
was the third of a family of nine children, two dying in infancy, and four
others having reached their 80th mile stone before passing to the Great Beyond.
He united with the Hebron Christian Church at the age of twelve, attended
school at the Academy of Ladoga, Indiana and began his work as a minister of
the Gospel at the age of twenty. With the help of his father [familiarly known
as Blind Billy Wilson,] one of the pioneer preachers of the Christian Church,
they organized a number of churches in Indiana and Kentucky. On Nov. 12th,
1867, he was united in marriage to Mary Frances Vickery, from whom he was separated
by death Sept. 25th, 1925. To this union two sons were born, D. M. Wilson of
Indianapolis and W. W. Wilson of East Orange, New Jersey. He leaves to mourn
their loss, his two sons, eight grandchildren, one great-grand-child, and one
brother, Mr. John H. Wilson, of Roachdale, Indiana, and a host of other
relatives and friends. After more than fifty years of active service as a
minister he retired on account of failing health, but often acted as a supply
minister for the Christian Church at Alexandria. He lived consistant with the
faith he proclaimed. Those virtues which constitute a christian life were found
in him. He loved his neighbors and was loved and respected by them. His last
months were filled with sorrow and affliction which he bore with uncomplaining
patience. The last last eighteen months of his life were spent in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Collins, at Alexandria where he received every care and
attention that was possible to be given by strangers. It was there he was when
the call (Document ends)