Whittington - Tyre Glen
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, pp 136-137
Tyre G. Whittington was born in Woodford County, Ky., in the year 1820, October 6. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Shelby County, where he received a good common-school education. The parents of our subject were both natives of Woodford County, Ky., where they were married, the father being the eldest member of a family numbering fifteen children, all of whom reached years of maturity. The grandparents of Tyre G. Whittington were natives of Maryland, and were known as descendants of old English Colonial families. Many of our readers remember the tradition of Dick Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, and those versed in the municipal history of that great British metropolis know that one of the most famous Lord Mayors of that city was in verity a famous Richard Whittington. To the honor of Montgomery County be it known that a lineal descendant of this most honored British official is numbered among its best citizens, and loved by all for his gentle bearing and manly character.
Coming to Montgomery County in the year 1850, Mr. Whittington invested in farm lands. His first purchase was one hundred and thirty-two acres, which comprise the farm on which he now resides, all of which is in a state of good cultivation and displays the thrift, energy and good management displayed by its owner. Eight children were born to our subject, his eldest son being William H., a prosperous farmer of this county; James L., of Indian Territory, and John T., who is engaged as a farmer in Brown Township, this State, come next; Sarah F., wife of Benjamin Easley, departed this life several years ago, leaving two children to mourn the loss of a loving mother. Another member of our subject's family is Reese D., of Indian Territory; after whom come George W., a farmer, Lucy E. and Sherman G. In addition to the one hundred and thirty-two acres already spoken of, Mr. Whittington has added another one hundred and sixteen acres, and is the proud possessor of one of the finest located farms in this part of the State.
In the early years of his manhood our subject was a member of the old Whig political party, but has since developed into a stanch Republican, always ready to uphold the principles of his party. Socially, he is a member of the Moreland Order, A. F. & A. M., of which body he was First Worshipful Master, which position he held for seven years, and he only parted with the honor by positively declining re-election. Poor health has prohibited him from taking the active part formerly enjoyed in the work of his order, but he has the satisfaction of remembering that while serving in a public capacity as a Mason he at the same time brought three of his own sons into the order, and himself helped to initiate them into the secrets of the brotherhood. Mr. Whittington and all his family are active members of the Baptist Church of Freedom, to which body they give hearty and liberal support. Quiet and unassuming in his manner, courteous to all who come in contact with him, and known for his kindness and generosity, our subject has a high personal standing in the community where he has passed the active years of his life, and let us hope that he will here rest from toil and care, surrounded by love, friendship and esteem, for many years to come.

TYRE G. WHITTINGTON. In a county like this, where there are so
many men of excellent moral character, pronounced business
ability and social nature, it would be hard indeed to determine
who is most worthy. There are some, however, who are generally
conceded to occupy a front place in the ranks of usefulness and
influence. Such is the gentleman above named, who manifests great
interest in the intellectual development and spiritual upbuilding
of the community in which he lives, as well as in its material
prosperity, and who while managing his own affairs in so prudent
a manner as to take place among the solid men of the county, yet
finds time to serve his fellow-men in various ways.
Tyre G. Whittington was born in Woodford County, Ky., in the year 1820, October 6. Soon after his birth his parents moved to Shelby County, where he received a good common-school education. The parents of our subject were both natives of Woodford County, Ky., where they were married, the father being the eldest member of a family numbering fifteen children, all of whom reached years of maturity. The grandparents of Tyre G. Whittington were natives of Maryland, and were known as descendants of old English Colonial families. Many of our readers remember the tradition of Dick Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, and those versed in the municipal history of that great British metropolis know that one of the most famous Lord Mayors of that city was in verity a famous Richard Whittington. To the honor of Montgomery County be it known that a lineal descendant of this most honored British official is numbered among its best citizens, and loved by all for his gentle bearing and manly character.
When only thirteen years of age our subject was left an orphan
and was thus compelled to assume life's responsibilities for
himself. After leaving school he decided to learn the trade of
cabinetmaker, which business he followed for some years. In the
year 1842 Mr. Whittington was married to Miss Julia Beatty, a
lady in whom he found the elements of womanhood which aided him
toward success. On the 15th of December past, our subject and
wife celebrated their golden wedding, and received many valuable
presents from their many friends and relatives on that memorable
Coming to Montgomery County in the year 1850, Mr. Whittington invested in farm lands. His first purchase was one hundred and thirty-two acres, which comprise the farm on which he now resides, all of which is in a state of good cultivation and displays the thrift, energy and good management displayed by its owner. Eight children were born to our subject, his eldest son being William H., a prosperous farmer of this county; James L., of Indian Territory, and John T., who is engaged as a farmer in Brown Township, this State, come next; Sarah F., wife of Benjamin Easley, departed this life several years ago, leaving two children to mourn the loss of a loving mother. Another member of our subject's family is Reese D., of Indian Territory; after whom come George W., a farmer, Lucy E. and Sherman G. In addition to the one hundred and thirty-two acres already spoken of, Mr. Whittington has added another one hundred and sixteen acres, and is the proud possessor of one of the finest located farms in this part of the State.
In the early years of his manhood our subject was a member of the old Whig political party, but has since developed into a stanch Republican, always ready to uphold the principles of his party. Socially, he is a member of the Moreland Order, A. F. & A. M., of which body he was First Worshipful Master, which position he held for seven years, and he only parted with the honor by positively declining re-election. Poor health has prohibited him from taking the active part formerly enjoyed in the work of his order, but he has the satisfaction of remembering that while serving in a public capacity as a Mason he at the same time brought three of his own sons into the order, and himself helped to initiate them into the secrets of the brotherhood. Mr. Whittington and all his family are active members of the Baptist Church of Freedom, to which body they give hearty and liberal support. Quiet and unassuming in his manner, courteous to all who come in contact with him, and known for his kindness and generosity, our subject has a high personal standing in the community where he has passed the active years of his life, and let us hope that he will here rest from toil and care, surrounded by love, friendship and esteem, for many years to come.

Whittington men are: Southy Thomas, Tyre Glenn, Joshua Littleton and behind them William M. (unknown middle name)
Source: 1823-1988 Family Histories of Montgomery Co IN p 347
In April 1849, the subject rode
horseback with his wife Julia Ann Beatty Whittington to Montgomery County, Indiana
from Shelby County Ky. He was born
October 6, 1820 in Woodford County, Kentucky the 1st of 7 children of Littleton
& Frances Glenn Whittington, both natives of Kentucky. Two sisters, Lucy Ann and Elizabeth and a
brother, James Henry died early in life.
His oldest brother, William, whose wife was Rebecca J. Davis lived for a
time near the old family farm in Brown Township, later moving to
Crawfordsville. Southy Thomas, his
second brother, married Nancy Ellen Hutchison.
Southy was first a carpenter and later a dentist at Waveland. The 3rd
and youngest brother was Joshua Littleton who married Cynthia Elizabeth
They lived in Cayuga, Ind. Littleton
Whittington, his father, was the eldest of 15 children, all of whom reached
years of maturity. His grandparents were
natives of Maryland and were known as descendants of old English Colonial
families. Southy, Littleton and Glenn are family names carried down through
many generations.
After receiving a good common school
education he learned the trade of cabinetmaker. Much of his fine furniture
still exists. On Dec 15, 1842 in Shelby County, Kentucky he married Julia Ann
Beatty who was born October 18, 1811 the daughter of William and Sarah Crosby
Beatty. Tyre & Julia's first two sons, William Hanna and James Littleton
were carried by them on two horses as the family came to Indiana. John Thomas, Sarah Frances, Reese Davis,
George Washington, Lucy Ellen and Sherman Grant were b. on the family farm a
few miles west of New Market in Brown Township
Mr. W. first purchased 132 acres of
land where he lived and died a part of this land was given for the site of Old
Dowden School where his grandchildren were students.
He later bought another 116 acres
which he farmed.
In his early years our subj. was a
member of the Old Whig party, but later was a staunch Republican.
He was first worshipful mater of the
Moreland Order of Masons, a position he held 7 years, during which time he bought
and initiated 3 of his sons into the brotherhood.
Mr. Whittington died Sept ember16,
at the family home suriving his wife
Julia Ann who died April 5, 1901. Burial. at Indian Hill Creek Cemetery, Brown
He and his family were active
members of the Freedom Bapt. Church.
Descendants and collateral families
still live in Montgomery County.