Weil - Tilghman E.
Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star, July 10, 1898 p 1
In this connection this week we have selected for our series of progressive citizens the likeness of a young business man of far more than usual ability and snap (Photo by WIllis & McQuown).
Tilghman E. Weil is the owner of a model meat market and to its management he has brought the best of good qualities and these are enthusiasm, energy and enterprise.
He it was who inauguarated the special delivery system and that branch of his business has grown so great that he has two fine vestibuled wagons that are filed with ice like refrigerators, which they practically are, on the rounds of the city and in addition maintains a first-class down town meat market at the corner of PIke & Washington Streets. He gives his business personal attention and the result is that it is an unqualified success and he is about the busiest man in town. He kills only young stock and steers and is also agent for one of the leading dressed meat companies of Chicago, which fact brings him much trade from those who prefer Chicago meats. Less than two years ago he succeeded his father in business and since that time he has revolutionzed the meat business in this city. The fact that your meats come from the Weil Wagons or the Weil Shop is a guarantee that you have the best when other shops disappoint. It is a great pleasure to publish a testimonial to such sturdy and self-reliant young men of which Mr. Weil is a type. - typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Sunday Star
6 March 1899
Weil has sold his meat market business routes and all to Bert
Halliday of Yountsville and will go to Lafayette to reside.
He has proven to be an excellent and industrious young business
man and his departure from the city is greatly to be regretted.
His successor is a square and energetic young man.