Voris - Samuel "Ed"gar

Source: Greencastle Times 29 July 1886 p 1
The 2nd annual tournament under the auspices of the Greencastle Gun Club came off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the ball park and the programme was successfully carried out. Some very good shooting was induled in mostly by visitors. The weather was all that could have been desired by sportsmen. Following is the official score. 1st Shoot: 5 single Blue Rock, entrance $2; purse $30 first money divided between Staff & Voris. 2nd Shoot 10 single Blue Rocks, entrance $3 purse $36. 3rd money divided by Mitchell & Voris. 5h Shoot 3 pair blue Rocks entrance $2 purse $30 2nd money divided between Staff & Voris. 6th Shoot 2 pair and 3 single Blue Rocks, entrance $2.50 purse $22.50 1st money divided between Voris & Flynn. 7th Shoot. 2nd money, Voris (5 single English Sparrows, entrance $3, purse $27. 9th Shoot. 8 single Blue Rock, entrance 25 cents, purse $20. First money divided between Voris & Hackle man. 12th shoot. 5 single Blue Rocks, entrance $2 purse $14. First money Voris & Hackelman.15th Shoot 3 pairs Blue Rocks entrance $3 purse $12 First money. 16th Shoot 5 single Blue Rocks, entrance $2 purse $20 first money Parsons & Voris. 17th Shoot 5 single, live pigeons, entrance $5 purse $50. Second money Voris & Hackelman. 18th Shoot; Live Pigenons entrance $1 money divided Staff & Voris. 19th: 7 single English sparrows, entrance $3 purse $24 – Third, Voris. 20th Miss & Out, Cleveland Blue Rocks, entrance $1 won by Voris. 22nd Shoot 3 pair blue rocks entrance $2 purse $10. Second Voris. 23rd Shoot: 5 single English sparrows entrance $2 purse $14 First Voris. 25th Shoot 5 single blue rocks, entrance $2 purse $12 second Snyder & Voris.
Source: Indianapolis Journal Fri 3 Oct 1890 p 8
There may have been successful trap-shooting tournaments given in this state in the past. No doubt there have been affairs of the sort regarded at the time as great successes, but they must sink into insignificance by the side of that at present in progress under the auspices of the Captal City Gun Club. It is the first semi-annual tournament of that organization and in the words of a prominent participant from Crawfordsville, “The Capital City Club can now have a tournament whenever it wants one, and feel certain of as many entries as it can handle.” This enthusiastic expression was called forth by the admirable manner in which everything connected with the affair is conducted. The Brighton Beach grounds presented a lively scene at the opening day, yesterday, and the expectations of the club realized. According to the trap shots who have followed the run of tournamenets in this country for a long time, the present affair is the largest held anywhere during the psat five years. So large was the list of entries in each even that it was impossible to complete the programme, and three of the blue-rock and one live-bird match had to be abandoned. In one of the eents the number of entries reached 55. Many came early - $1 entrance fee. Each event was also $1.30.
Notes of the big shoot … photographed today… Ed Voris of Crawfordsville has the remarkable record of breaking 97 out of 100 blue rocks, it having been made at 50 singles and 25 pairs. He missed three birds out of his 25 pairs.
Source: Indianapolis Journal 1 June 1899 Thursday p 6
The prize list of the Indianapolis Gun Club’s shoot was officially compiled yesterday. The members of the club expressed gratitude for the generosity of the merchants who contributed. The list: (includes a camera; umbrella; silver cup; Telescope worth $3 from Indianapolis Trunk Manufacturing won by ED VORIS in Event 1 …. In Event 2 he won Shooting gloves ($1.50) by Murphy, Hibben and company – Event 4 – a 20th Century Lamp worth $3.50 given by HT Hearsey Cycle Company; a shooting hat “23 Hat Store” worth $1.50
Source: Indianapolis Journal Fr 15 April 1904 p 2
Crawfordsville April 14 – The Democrats of Crawfordsville tonight nominated the following ticket: Mayor, Ed Voris; Treas, Jesse Canine; Marshall, Frank Elmore; councilmen, Fred Mavison and W. Murphy, Johnson Clore and George W. Luckett, Dr. Chambers and Walter Thompson, JA Boone and W. McClelland.
Source: Indianapolis News 2 Sept 1904 Fri p 10 –
Crawfordsville Sept 2- Representative teams from the Indianapolis and Crawfordsville gun clubs shot a match at the local park Thursday afternoon. The teams were composed of six men each and they shot at 50 targets to the man. Crawfordsville won by the decisive score of 278-258. The Indianapolis marksmen were placed at a disadvantage of strange traps but they did not shoot up to form while the Crawfordsville men were in fine trim as their average of nearly 93 per cent shows. The individual scores were: Crawfordsville: Cook 48; Long 47; Deitrick 47; Voris 46; Stilwell 45; Snyder, 45. Total 278. Indianapolis: Parry 45; Cooper 44; Michalis 44; Wands 44; Moore 42; Allen 39 Total 258. The Cville team has been Lebanon twice this summer and by virtue of its victory over Indianapolis Capt. Ed Voris claims the team champions of Indiana and is prepared to defend the title against all comers.
Source: Call-Leader, Elwood, Thur 25 Oct 1906 p 1
Ed Voris, a mighty fine fellow, who participated in several shoots of the Zoo Gun Club in this city, has given further evidence of his prowess, and has won additional honors. He is an expert marksman, whatever the target. For two years he held the silver cup of the Zoo Club and successfully defended it. An Indianapolis paper says: “Ed Voris, mayor of Crawfordsville is one of the most enthusiastic shooters in the country and holds several records. In the Grand American shoot held during the summer in Indianapolis, Voris was one of the three men tied for first place and in the shoot off landed second. He holds the Grand Hotel Cup, a trophy for the state championship at sparrow shooting, winning it several years ago and defending it successfully since. Voris’ title will be challenged again tomorrow at the sparrow shoot of the Indianapolis Gun Club!”
Source: Indianapolis News Fri 15 May 1908 p 19
Crawfordsville, Ind May 15 – J.L. Deitrich, agted custodian of the Crawfordsville Gun Club’s grounds, celebrated his 72nd birthday yesterday afternoon by establishing a world’s shooting record. In a regulation match shoot with Mayor Ed Voris, Crawfordsville’s famous shooting mayor, Mr. Deitrich broke 96 out of 100 targets, which it is believed is the world’s record for a man who is past 3 score and 10 years. Mr. Deitrich broke 23 targets straight at the start, then twice broke 24 straight and ended his record with breaking the last 25 birds shot at Mr. Deitrich frequently participates in match shoots and invariably manages to win his full share of the prize money.
Source: Munster Times Fri 24 April 1908 p 10
Crawfordsville, Ind April 23 – Lee R. Barley and WD Stannard, both of Chicago tied for high honors in the concluding day’s shoot today of the 26th annual spring tournament of the Crawfordsvilel Gun Club. Both broke 191 out of 200 targets. Mayor Ed Voris of Crawfordsville won the honors for amateurs. 20 shooters faced the traps today.
Source: Indianapolis Journal 31 Oct 1903 Sat p 6
West Baden, In Oct 30 – The fourth day of the French Lick shoot which should have been the big day of the week was no better attended than other days in fact the attendance has been disappointed and the shooters generally are not well satisfied at the lack of interest taken. “Smiling Tom Taggart” was called to Indiananpolis and has not been on the gorunds for two days to enthuse the boys with that campaign handshake and jolly he has on tap when things are not up to the Taggart standard. Today practically ends the larger events but on tomorrow if conditions will warrant there may be a live pigeon shoot. In the special sparrow race 100 birds for the championship cup, Ed Voris was the winner. The first score resulted in a tie of 90 between Voris and Heer and in the shoot off Voris killed 45 and Heer 43 out of the 50. In the sparrow championship race, 100 birds there were 14 entries with 8 at the finish with the following score: Voris shot at 100 and killed 90; Phyllis, 89; Heer 90; Clark 82; Washburg 82; Waters 83; Marshall 82; Elliott 87.
Source: Indianapolis Journal Wed 4 May 1904 p1
Crawfordsville May 3 – The election here today resulte din the Democrats electing the mayor, treasurer and two councilmen. This shows a change on the head of the ticket of nearly 600 from the vote of two years ago when the Republicans elected the mayor by 390. Ed Voris who was elected mayor rec’d 196 pluarlity. Jesse Canine (Dem) was elected treas by 88 plurality. Henry Hulet Rep was elected clerk by 1085 majority and John Brothers Rep 207 plurality for marshal. The Rep elected six councilmen – Joseph Goldsberg; George Stout; DH Gilkey; Will Robb; Dunn McClelland and Dr. Morgan and the Dem elected Will McClelland and Joe Booe. The Probilition vote ranged from 16 to 27 on city officers.
Source: Bedford Weekly Mail 14 June 1901 Fri p 3
– The 5th Annual Amateur Tournament of the Indiana Trap Shooters League egan Tues at Wash Park and was concluded Wed eve. 12 evens were to be disposed of Tuesday two of 25, two of 20 and 8 of 15 targets. There were also 12 evens for Wed; 2 of 20; one of 20, six of 15; two of ten; and one of 10 pairs of targest. Among those in attendance and shooting Tues were: … Ed Voris, C’ville and __ Davis, C’ville.
Source: Hamilton Ohio Evening Journal 28 Dec 1891 Mon p 3
Ed Voris returned to his home in Crawfordsville, Ind this morning after spending Sunday with his family and Mr. and Mrs. CL Whittaker.
Source: Elwood Daily Press Wed 27 Sept 1893 p 3
Washington Sept 27 -0 The president has nominated the following Indiana postmasters: Ed Voris, Crawfordsville …
Source: Bedford Indiana Democrat Fri 19 May 1899 p 2
Shooting match – Bedford Gun Club Thursday
Judge was David Myers of Greensburg – President of the state league. Ed Voris of Crawfordsville, EE Neal, Bloomfield, professionals. MW Thompson, Lafayette is state champ…
WOW – Source: Leavenworth Kansas Times Thu 23 Jan 1896 p 8
– Postmaster Ed Voris of Crawfordsville, Ind has received word that he has been left $500 by the will of Mrs. Eliza J. Tolman of Minneapolis, Minn. Several years ago Voris was travelling in Germany and rescued Mrs. Tolman from being run over by a train at the risk of his life. He had his foot injured and was tossed from the track and severaly injured. He had almost forgotten the incident until he received word of the $500 having been left him by her will.
Source: Indianapolis Journal Thu 28 Nov 1895 p 8
A sparrow shoot for the championship of the US was given by the Indiana English Sparrow-shooters at the clubhouse of the Limited Gun Club near the state fair grounds all day yesterday. Arrangements had been made for a big shoot but owing to the bad weather of the past 3-4 days few shooters from other cities were present. Otherwise the event was considered a success in every aspect and some of the best shooting done for some time was scored. Rollo Heikes, a salesman for a rifle firm in Chicago won the admiration of those in attendance by his skillful shooting. He holds the world’s record it is said. His record I 180 out of 200 sparrows without a miss. Yesterday he scored 80 points the highest score made. Heikes classes himself as a professional and insisted that he was not entitled to compete for the gold medal. It was awarded to Edward Voris of Crawfordsville on a score of 78. Yesterday was a bad day for shooting, a strong wind making it almost impossible for the shooters to bring down the birds with the 35 yard boundary and they had to shoot to kill. Sounded birds were carried beyond the boundary. Aoubt 750 out of a 1,000 birds sprung were brought down. The tournament consists of 10 events, aggregating 100 bird and the championship is given to the one making the highest score in the whole number of events. A crowd of shooters had gathered at the park at 8:30 when the first event was called. Visiting shooters: RO Heikes, Chicago; CW Raymond, Ed Dando, Dayton; ED VORIS, CR Norton, Crawfordsville; Charles Lockwood, Southport. First event 5 birds, three oneys – ED VORIS …second even consisted of 10 birds and four moneys: Voris, 6….
Source: Indianapolis Journal Sun 18 May 1890 p 14
Crawfordsville news items – Ed Voris and wife celebrated the 10th anniversary of their marriage on Saturday evening.
Source: Indianapolis News 5 Sept 1904 Mon p 4
Crawfordsville, Ind – Sept 5 – SE Voris, mayor-elect who took his office today will be the first Democratic mayor in the history of Crawfordsville. His personal popularity was attested in the spring election when he overcame a Republican majority of 550 and won out with 196 votes to spare, carrying every precinct. Mr. Voris was postmaster under Cleveland’s last administration and is well known I state politics. He is regarded as a likely candidate for the state office two years hence. He is treasurer of the Supreme Tribe of Ben Hur, being one of the founds of that order. Mr. Voris has an international reputation as a trapshooter and now holds the sparrow championship of the world. He was on the handicap committee of the Grand American Handicap tournament recently held in Indianapolis.