Tilney - William DeCaux
Source: Zach, Karen Bazzani. Montgomery Medicine Men .... Crawfordsville, Indiana: Montgomery Co Historical Society.
TILNEY, William Decaux - b/7-7-1841 Norwich, Norfolk Co England left Liverpool Here 10-28-1868 Naturalized 10-5-1876 p. 331 Bowen "Dr" - served 3 years in India under the British Government - came to US 10-15-1867 graduated Philadelphia PA 4-27-1868 - married in Crawfordsville 4-24-1871 to Belle Brackett - here since as a physician- mostly engaged in practice on chronic diseases - grad. Again 2-22-1887 Indiana Eclectic College, Indianapolis - typical Englishman - fat, genial and jolly - Prohibitionist - total abstainer.
Source: Crawfordsville Star 30 Aug 1877 p1
Dr. DeCaux Tilney publishes his own biography in last Saturday’s Journal from his earliest days down to the present time. It will save historians a vast amount of labor when he has talked himself to death.
Source: Crawfordsville Star, 6 Sept 1877 p 1
Dr. Decaux Tilney, the English centenarian, has originated a martial band, consisting of lyre, tenor and base drum. He gave his first public concert yesterday afternoon. The lyre used is hiw own invention.
Source: 1880 Crawfordsville Part #4 #33
Tilney Decaux 39 Physician England parents b. England Isabel 26 Wife Indiana Ky Ky; Arthur C 4 Son In England In Flora Blanch 2 Ind England Ind. .
Source: 1900 Census #1008 Darlington Avenue Pt 7 Crawfordsville
married 4 years b. England/England/England here 1863 Physician Josephine Dec 1849 Wife In NY Ohio Arthur son b. Sept 1876 Ind England Ind Shoemaker Pearl B dau. June 1878 Ind England ind; Earnest D Oct 81 Ind England Ind School Leroy Nov 1890 same.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 27 October 1914 p 5
Dr Tilney has sold the whole of the balance of the edition of his book, "Experiences in hades and Heaven," to a Pittsburg publisher. The publisher has also purchased the copyright.
Source: Montgomery County Indiana Death Record CH 42 P. 11
William Decaux Tilney d. 10-11-1925d. 1008 Darlington Ave b. 7-7-1841 no parents names but b. England d. 10-11-1925 Heart disease Dau. Nellie gave information Dr. Sigmond buried Oak Hill on 10-14.
Source: 1878 Montgomery County, Indiana Atlas (Chicago: Beers) p 54
TILNEY, William DeCaux, MD, PO Crawfordsville, Physician, son of Robert and Margaret ANDREWS Tilney. Was b. at Kirby Beadon, near Norwich, England, July 7, 1841 and settled in Chicago Nov 3, 1867; marr. Isabella BRACKET at Crawfordsville, Ind. April 24, 1871. One child, Arthur Centennial, b Sept 22, 1876. Started LEGAL TENDER Feb 23, 1878.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal - October 12, 1925
Dr. William Tilney victim of apoplexy on sunday morning. Venerable Doctor Who Acquired Fame Years Ago Was Born in England. Dr. William DeCaux Tilney, native of England and aged physician of this city, whose activities date back to the colorful days of the traveling doctor, died at 4 a.m. Sunday, at his home, 1008 Darlington avenue. A stroke of apoplexy, suffered on Monday, marked the final serious illness of the venerable doctor. Apparently fully recovered from the stroke Dr. Tilney was brought downtown on Wednesday to witness the Fall Festival parade, in accordance with his wishes, and he expressed a keen pleasure at the treat. He had arisen Sunday morning and was preparing to dress when death occurred. Dr. Tilney was born in Kirby, Beadon, near Norwich, Eng., July 7, 1841. In 1859 he joined His Majesty's forces and followed England's troops to Calcutta, India, to subdue the Sepoy rebellion. During his youth in England he attended Oxford university. His interesting career was first identified with the history of Crawfordsville in 1865, when he located here. On April 24, 1871, he married Belle Brackett, of Greenwood, Ind., whose death occurred March 1, 1895, and a few years later Dr. Tilney married Josephine Wickham of Goshen, Ind. His second wife died August 27, 1923. Dr. Tilney practiced as a member of the medical profession for forty-five years, traveling widely during that period in order to follow the advance of his profession. Dr. Tilney studied medicine in the Louisville Medical college and on three different occasions took courses at the Indianapolis Medical school. He was recognized in this city as a learned man and as a very interesting character. Many citizens remember him as one of the first citizens to become the owner of an automobile soon after the motor vehicles were first marketed. During his youth Dr. Tilney was a member of the Episcopalian Church of England, and in late years was affiliated with the Christian Church of this city. He is survived by one son, Arthur C. Tilney, of this city; a daughter, Pearl, who lives in California; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild, and one sister, Margaret Tilney, who lives in England. Two sons, Ernest DeCaux Tilney and LeRoy E. Tilney and several brothers preceded Dr. Tilney in death. Announcement of the date of funeral service is being held in abeyance pending the arrival of his daughter who resides in California and who is expected to arrive here some time on Thursday. Under the circumstances it is probable that the funeral will be held on Friday. Rev. G. L. Stine of the United Brethren Church will officiate and interment will be at Oak Hill Cemetery. Transcribed by: Tracy Jones 3-8-2002
Source: 19th Century Database of Indiana Physicians Record# 14621 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians
Tilney,William DeCaux Schools attended: Indiana Eclectic Medical College D E Year Medical Grad or Attendance: 1887 County: Boone / Montgomery (Crawfordsville) Med. Reg./Exam.: 12.28.97 Sources: Indiana State Board of Health 1882, 1890

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 6 April 1900
Dr. DeCaux Tilney, of this city, is under arrest at Grand Junction , Col. , on the charge of murdering a patient. The following from the Grand Junction Sentinel of March 27, explains the case:
“On a warrant sworn out by the widow of Edward Skinner, who died suddenly Sunday morning, Dr. Tilney, the wonder working physician, as he announced himself to the public through his advertisements, was arrested last evening by Sheriff Charles S. Wallis just as he and his business manager were about to board the east bound train for the east.
An autopsy was held yesterday afternoon at the undertaking parlors of Dr. Ingersoll, and the result of this post mortem examination was doubtless the cause for the action of the district attorney’s office.
The jury in the case met yesterday afternoon and adjourned until this afternoon.
After the arrest the men were conducted back to the hotel and Sheriff Wallis placed a custodian in the person of Charles Arnett, in charge of them and they were permitted to stay at the hotel, instead of being locked up in the county jail. The charge which was brought against them was murder.
Dr. Tilney claims to be a regular practitioner and that the medicine he sold to the late Edward Skinner was medicine which might have been prepared and administered by any other practitioner.
The jury empanelled in the case yesterday met at the undertaking establishment this afternoon at two o’clock and testimony was heard before Coroner Ingersoll. The state was represented by assistant District Attorney Guy V. Sternberg and the defendants by Bucklin & Staley.
The first witness called was the widow, Mrs. Edward Skinner. Her testimony was quite lengthy. Testimony was heard from Drs. Eldridge, Henderson and Capp, and afterwards an adjournment was taken until Saturday to have the medicine thoroughly analyzed.
George W. Hutton, of this city, is now sojourning at Grand Junction and writes The Journal that he called on the doctor before the charge was brought. Dr. Tilney and his assistant and business manager, a man from Logansport , were then doing a land office business, crowding the opera house each night and the hotel parlors each day. The Grand Junction News of March 23, gives the doctor the following “boss jolly,” this, of course, before his arrest:
“Dr. Tilney and staff of the Medical Institute of Liverpool, England , and Crawfordsville , Ind. , lectured to a large audience Tuesday night. The doctors are agreeable and forceful speakers and held the large audience in close attention while they explained the theory and usefulness of their wonderful discoveries. Many promises were made which seemed utterly impossible to believe, but when the doctors invited those who were hard of hearing to come forward and be cured, J. L. Sloan, H. E. Johnson and J. L. Blake came forward to the stage and were made to hear a whisper in a few seconds.
The doctors then called for cripples on crutches and A. E. Pelton was brought forward on a chair by four men. He had been suffering four years with rheumatism and for the past three weeks in bed, not even able to go at times on crutches. Mr. Pelton is foreman of the Star office. He was operated on for twenty minutes with medicine and walked off home free from pain and stiffness, followed by the wondering crowd, while the doctor broke his crutches. To say the vast audience was astonished and wild would be putting it mildly. The doctors were warmly congratulated. It seemed like a dream, but it is real. Ministers and doctors were in the audience and seemed as well pleased as any.”
The Sentinel of the same date says:
“The doctors continue to perform wonderful cures—the stage was filled with old and young anxious to be treated.
W. E. TenEyck and S. M. Dowden were given their hearing in a few seconds, before the vast audience, again proving the merits of new and advanced methods of curing diseases.
Unexpected by urgent business requiring their attention at home, the doctors are reluctantly compelled to shorten their stay in Grand Junction . Tuesday, March 27th at 5 p.m. will therefore close their stay here.”
The Sentinel likewise facetiously remarks: “The doctor casts out the dead and raised the devil.” He certainly appears to have done the latter.”
(*Dr. DeCaux Tilney wires his family from Grand Junction, Col., that the murder case for which he is under arrest is not a serious one, being brought by zealous doctors. He says there is no cause for alarm on his account and that he will come out all right)
Source: Crawfordsville Star 3 Oct 1878 p1
Dr. DeCaux Tilney, the physician, astrologer magician and renowned ventriloquist, has accepted a winter’s engagement to travel with an eastern troupe. He will be accompanied by his wife and family.