Talbot - J.N.

Schools attended: Miami Medical College, Cincinnati Miami
Year Medical Grad or Attendance: 1875
County: Montgomery (Crawfordsville)
Med. Reg./Exam.: 7.16.97
Sources: Physicians Directory of Kentucky and Indiana 1893
Record# 86449 in database 19th Indiana Century Physicians
File Created: 2007-Jul-29
Note: Name has also been found as Jesse Newton Talbott - picture compliments of the Crawfordsville District Public Library
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Monday, January 6, 1908
DR. J.N. TALBOT DIED SUNDAY His Demise Was Due To Heart Disease And Other complications Caused By A Hard Fall. HAS GROWN GRADUALLY WORSE The Doctor Realized His Condition and Prepared for the End One of the Prominent Men of the County.
At 8:30 o'clock Sunday evening, January 5, Dr. Jesse N. Talbot, for years one of the prominent citizens and physicians of the County, died at his residence on east Main street in this city, of heart trouble and pneumonia. For some ten years prior to his death the doctor had been in failing health and had not been engaged in the active practice of his profession. A few days ago he contracted pneumonia and on account of a serious heart trouble which had affected him for years it was known by his friends that he would probably not recover. Jesse Nicholas Talbot was born August 15, 1840, near Quincy, Illinois. He was one of a large family of children. When Jesse was a lad twelve years of age the family removed to California, the trip being made by wagon train. The wagons were drawn by oxen and on this account, the trip, which began in early spring, was not completed until in the fall. Jesse remained with his parents on the farm in California until the year 1863, when he returned to Indiana. The homeward trip was made in a sailing ship. Soon after reaching Indiana after his return from California young Talbot joined the Union army, becoming a member of Co. H, 135th regiment Volunteer Infantry. At the close of his army service he came to Crawfordsville and entered Wabash College, remaining there until his funds were exhausted. He then began the study of medicine, and about 1868 began the practice of his profession at the little town of Wallace (then called Jackville) in Fountain County. At the time he began practicing he was entirely out of money, but he arranged to rent a little room which served as his office, bed room and kitchen. The future for him was discouraging for a time but fortune favored him for when the outlook was darkest he was called upon to treat a patient afflicted with smallpox, who had been deserted by everyone else. At that time the means fro preventing the contracting of contagious diseases were not what they are today and there were not many doctors or nurses who welcomed an opportunity to treat or nurse a smallpox patient, but the doctor was about to be stranded and he was more than willing to offer his services in this instance for the sake of establishing himself in the community. He went to the patient's home and not only prescribed for him, but nursed him and prepared his food for him. The patient recovered and the doctor often said afterwards that his success in life began there. For miles around the inhabitants learned of his conduct in this case and after that he was never without employment and never out of funds. IN a short time he was loaning money to those from whom he had been compelled a short time before to borrow small sums. Doctor Talbot was married on Oct. 26, 1871, to Miss Lucretia Clore of near Burlington County, Kentucky. The young wife willingly and gladly went with her husband to the little out-of-the-way town, and although she came of a wealthy and prominent family, she went into the little home and did her own sewing and housework and by her economical and saving habits aided greatly to her husband's success. Happiness and contentment came to the two in the birth of children and in the growing of a modest fortune. Doctor Talbot in young and middle life was a fine specimen of physical manhood. His health was perfect and he could easily withstand any amount of hardships. He often said that his friends gave him credit when it was not due him. When called upon he would brave any kind of storm or weather and would spend nights without sleep. But he said that he always enjoyed the trips he was required to make during stormy weather or in the darkest nights. Living as he did away from the center of information he would often visit his patients all day and at nightfall begin a horseback ride to Crawfordsville and would be back in Wallace the next morning ready to take up his day's work. The doctor was always an ardent and enthusiastic Republican and these trips were usually made during a political campaign. He believed firmly in the principals of his party and took an active part in the counsels of his party, especially while he lived in Alamo for a number of years. About ten years ago, Doctor Talbot moved to the city of Crawfordsville. Afterwards, for a short time, he resided at Home City, near Cincinnati, to educate his children. On his return to Crawfordsville, his health having failed and his private affairs requiring all of his attention, he gave up the active practice of medicine. Doctor Talbot, in addition to being a most successful physician was an excellent business man and his judgment on business matters was often sought by others. As an evidence of the doctor's ability and success as a physician and business man it can be said of him that those who sought his professional services early in his practice remained his friends and employers until he quit the practice, and those with whom he transacted business and to whom he loaned money continued to transact business with him to the day of his death. A few years ago the doctor, as he said to his legal advisor, began concentrating and simplifying his business matters in such way as that his wife, after his death, would have no care. At that time he executed a will in which he gave everything he possessed to his wife. Soon after this will was executed he prevailed upon his wife to take a trip south. The doctor's purpose in inducing his wife to make the trip was that in her absence he might improve and beautify their home and without her knowledge. But while in the south the wife was taken suddenly ill and died while away from home. Dr. Talbot left surviving him three children, Mrs. Lucy Cullom of this city, Miss Grace Talbot of Jacksonville, Florida, and Mrs. Clinton B. Marshall of near Veedersburg, Fountain County. In addition to this he left two grand children, Gean Cullom and Nicholos Marshall. The surviving brothers and sisters of the doctor reside in California. Because of good business judgment and economical habits of life, Dr. Talbot was enabled to accumulate quite a fortune. It is known that he left a will, but the contents have not yet been made public. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family residence. The interment will be at Oak Hill beside his wife. Miss Grace, who is in the south, has been notified and will be here to attend the funeral. Dr. Talbot was a member of the Masonic order at Alamo and of McPherson Post No. 7, G. A. R. of this city. The post here will have charge of the ritualistic services. The doctor had a hard fall last summer at his home on east Main street. In trying to go down stairs one night he made a misstep and fell to the bottom, seriously injuring him. The shock was a severe one and it is believed that he never fully recovered from the accident. He was a jolly good fellow and made friends wherever he went. He had unusual literary talent and could and did write several excellent poems.
Transcribed by: Tracy Jones 3-10-2000 - thanks muches, Trac