Stockwell - Chelsea
(assume all are the same Chelsea Stockwell from Waveland, Ind – they all relate to religion and Evangelistic happenings so assume the same)
Source: Indianapolis Star

Source: Indianapolis Star Mon 28 Aug 1933 p3
Pastors for United Brethren Churches in Central Indiana for the coming year were assigned at the closing session of the 88th annual White River Conference yesterday morning in the University Heights UB Church. Named Evangelists at large: Singing Evangelists – Pauline Todd, GN Collins, CHELSEA STOCKWELL and Letha Alderton.
Source: Indianapolis News Sat 5 April 1941 p 8
Chelsea Stockwell has been appointed director of music at the First United Brethren Church. Mr. Stockwell who has had wide experience in developing choirs and directing evangelistic services is a tenor. Future musical programs of the church includes the organizing of a choir, a young people’s choir, a children’s choir and male singing groups.
Source: Dayton, Ohio Journal-Herald Sat 3 Jan 1942 p 3- Miss Lois Va. Fout, dau of Bishop and Mrs. Henry H. FOut of Indianapolis formerly of Dayton became the bride of John O. Lewis … in First United Brethren Church, Bishop Fout reading the ceremony. Program of nuptial music – Miss Christine Houseman organist, Mrs. Charles Fitch and Chelsea Stockwell vocalists …
Source: Princeton Indiana Daily Clarion 10 Nov 1944 Fri p 6
Gospel Tabernacle will hold the following services Sunday. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Hall Morris, sup; worship service 10:30 a.m. Prayer period… The worship services will be the last of the revival meetings with the pastor bringing the messages and Chelsea Stockwell directing the singing. Mr. Stockwell will sing a number of solos at the evening service.
Source: Lodi, California News-Sentinel Sat 1 Feb 1947 p 3
First Baptist – The Riches of God’s Grace will be Rev. AS Felberg’s sermon topic …Worship hour on the subject, “God’s Program (11 o’clock) – this service will be broadcast over KCVR. Mr. Chelsea Stockwell will be the guest soloist and the choir under the leadership of CR Lohr and EE Burgstahler will render special music….
Source: Indianapolis Star

Source: Decatur, Ill Herald Sat 1 May 1948 p 8
“Youth for Christ” – East Park Baptist Church – Speaker: Dr John E. Zoller, founder of “America Back to God,” Song Leader Mre. Chelsea Stockwell favorite radio baritone of Thousands – 7:30 p.m. TONIGHT!
Source: Lodi, California News-Sentinel Sat 25 Jan 1947
Chelsea Stockwell (PICTURE) noted song leader will direct singing and chorus activities at tomorrow night’s Christ for Lodi Area union evangelical service at the HS auditorium.
Source: Lodi, California News-Sentinel Sat 15 Feb 1947 p 3
-First Methodist Church Sunday 7:30 p.m. Last Union Service in present campaign – HS auditorium – Dr. John Zoller’s Subject: “Tricks of the Devil” – come to this great rally. Chelsea Stockwell will lead the singing and you’ll enjoy especially his vocal solos.
Source: St. Petersburg FLA 19 march 1949 – Clid Methodist Church Dr. John Zoller Nationally Known Gospel Baritone and song leader – Zoller world traveler / Evangelist

Source: Charlotte Observer Thu 4-13-1950 p 18
Plans for a 250-voice choir have been made for the Greater Charlotte Evangelistic campaign led by Dr. Hyman Appelman, nationally known evangelist who begins the series Tuesday night at the Armory. These voices are from members of the choirs of the churches enlisted in the 3-week campaign and they will be led by Chelsea Stockwell of Waveland, Ind who is the regular song leader of the Appelman campaigns. In addition to the singers, there will be a concert grand piano and a Hammond organ. The musicians will be Dan White, BJ Brown and Mrs. Boyce Helms, Jr. Mr. Stockwell is a song leader, composer and soloist and will take complete control of the choir. He has led many great choirs in city-wide evangelistic campaigns in America. His own songs carry a message of the gospel. There will be special numbers by Mr. Stockwell and by the choir and special groups …
Source: Charlotte Observer (NC) Mon 8 May 1950 p 23
Two great throngs gathered at the Armory yesterday afternoon and last night to hear the final sermons of the Greater Charlotte Evangelistic campaigns, conducted by Dr. Hyman J. Appelman of Kansas City and his party of Chelsea Stockwell, singer and Rev. WA Green, advance representative of Dr. Appelman who is a nationally known evangelist. Preached on the Hated JewDr. A said no race knows their exact origin, except the Jews, whose original ancestor was Abraham. The Jew is indestructible and will remain a nation until the complete fulfilment of prophecy … Last night and yesterday afternoon, large crowds accepted the invitation to seek the Lord by entering the inquiry room. .. The Bob Jones Instrumental Quintet played a number of sacred selections on trumpets and trombones. Dan White gave a selection on the Hammond organ and Chelsea Stockwell sang a solo … After the sermon, TW Aldred, chairman of the sponsoring committee expressed the appreciation of the committee to Dr. Appelman, Chelsea Stockwell and Rev. WA Green, the evangelistic party.
Source: Daily Clintonian Thu 22 March 1951 p 1
Tonight and tomorrow will mark the two main services of Holy Week with Clinton Churches planning communion services this evening and Good Friday services tomorrow afternoon. Most local churches are having their own communion rites tonight and Protestant churchs will join in a union Good Friday service tomorrow at the First Methodist Church. Traditional Good Friday services will be held at Sacred Heart (Catholic) Church. Rev. Chelsea Stockwell and Arthur Green, evangelists who are conducting services at the EUB Church in Universal will be in charge of the union Good Friday services tomorrow from 2-3 p.m.
Source: Palladium Item (Richmond) 2 May 1957 Thursday p 11
Rev. Chelsea Stockwell, evangelist from Waveland, Ind will continue nightly services at 7:30 p.m. through Sunday May 12. The services are held at the First Baptist Church. Wednesday will be family night with the theme, “Calvary Covers it All,” Thursday, neighbor night, “From Sinai to Calvary,”; Friday and Sunday – Rally night, “Spiritual Birth, why and How.” Saturday, old-fashioned camp meeting night, “Telescopic Review of Christ’s Return,”; Sunday at 10:30 a.m . “He Guides Who Faileth Not,” and 7:30 Hiding or Sheltered. Other services on Sunday will be Bible School at 9:30 a.m. and the fellowship and prayer groups 6:30 p.m.

Source: Riverdale, Ill Pointer Thu 29 June 1961 p 5 – Special music was provided … Evangelist Chelsea Stockwell of Beckley, W Va, Rev. Stockwell, a nationally known song writer, vocalist and evangelist will be at Central Baptist Church for a revival campaign from Aug 27 – Sept 3.
Source: Indianapolis News Sat 29 Sept 1962 p 4
Windsor Village Baptist Church, 2151 N. Kitley will conduct revival services Wednesday through Oct 14. Speaker will be the Rev. Chelsea Stockwell a native of Crawfordsville. He is composer of more than 60 gospel songs and will provide the music for the services.
Source: Eau Claire, Wis Daily Telegraph – Union Church Sunday worship
Source: Decatur Illinois Daily Review Sat 3 April 1965 p 2
The Rev. Chelsea Stockwell, evangelist and Doug Oldham, singer will be featured at Decatur’s Youth For Christ rally at 7:30 p.m. today at the Free Methodist Church. Oldham will be featured in a series of special meetings at People’s Church of God. Rev. Stockwell will be holding meetings at the Riverside Bpatist Church.
Source: Indianapolis Star -TW Wilson National Southern Evangelists of Youth for Christ International – Chelsea Stockwell Extraordinary Gospel Soloist and Song Leader Unquestionably one of the BEST speakers ever to appear at our rally. Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. Bring your friends to this great Easter Day Rallyt. Mayer Chapel Presbyterian Church – West at Norwood Streets. Take Stockyard Bus at Illinois-Ky to Door – both Wilson and Stockwell will be featured at this rally.
Source: Courier Express 21 May 1971 – Dubois PA – First Baptist Church 10:45 Morning worship – Evangelistic Meetings with Chelsea Stockwell
Source: Streator, Illinois Times 5 May 1998 Tues p 4
Glimpses of Yesteryears 1948 – 5- years ago today – Chelsea Stockwell one of the nation’s finest young song leaders will be speaking at the First Bpatist Church.
Source: Wilmington Delaware News Journal 2 Nov 2003 Sunday p 33
Rev. Chelsea J. Stockwell,a ge 90 entered God’s presence on Wed oct 29, 2003 form the Ingleside Care Center in Hockessin, De. Rev. Stockwell served as associate pastor, music director and associate past emeritus at Southside Baptist Church in Sebring, Fl for 22 years. Formerly he had been a national evangelist, singer and conference speaker for 43 years. He composed more than 100 gospel songs, several choruses and the Oratorio Behold. He had 3 songbooks published and his songs were recorded by various Christian artists including Dick Anthony. Rev. Stockwell wrote detailed exegesis of most of the books of the Bible and dozens of revivalist sermons. In 2001, he moved to DE with his wife of 68 years, Ruth who preceded him to Heaven this May. He is survived by sons, James E. Stockwell of New Castle, John C. Stockwell of Sparanburg, SC and daughter, Margaret “Peg” Rickard of Xenia, Ohio. Other survivors include 9 grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. The funeral services will be held on Monday Nov 3, 2003 at 11:45 a.m. in the chapel of Gracelawn Memorial Park, N DuPont, Hwy, New Castle. Family and friends may call at the chapel at 11:15 a.m. on Monday. Burial will be in the adjoining park. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Chelsea J. Stockwell Fund, Southside Baptist Church, 379 S. Commerce Ave, Sebring, FL 33870. Gebhart Funeral Homes, of New Castle County.
Source: Kokomo Tribune Dec 14, 1954 p 9
Revival services which have been under way for a week at the Main Street Congregational Christian Church at Greentown are continuing through the current week. The opening week is reported to have met with gratifying interest. The Rev. Chelsea J. Stockwell of Waveland, Ind is the evangelist. For 17 years he was an evangelistic soloist and song leader before becoming a preacher. Ten years ago he was in Greentown as music director for the Rev. Carlyle Scott, evangelist. During the course of his evangelistic ministry Mr. Stockwell has preached in all 48 states and four provinces of Canada. Music for the services is provided by the Heinlein Brothers, students at Marion College. They had had much experience working for the Youth for Christ in St. Petersburg and Sarasota, Fla. The meetings will close Sunday night, Dec 19.